The Books of Deeds will speak


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The Explanation of the VersesThe Books of Deeds that are kept in Illiyin and Sijjeen

The 4th verse again speaks about the recording of deeds for God. It is also said that the books of Deeds will speak on that Day. It is said:

““And you will see every nation keeling. Each nation will face its record. You will be this Day for what you used to do. 29. Our record speaks the truth about you. Verily we were recording what you did.”

This verse clearly speaks about the book of deeds of the nations and this is one of the three kinds. The numbering of deeds here means that no deed big or small will be omitted everything will be inscribed.

The meaning of “Tud-‘aaa” tells us that they will be asked to read their books of deeds and judge themselves as has been said in verse 14 of Surah Bani Israel very clearly:

“They will be told, “Read your books. You will be sufficient as a witness against yourselves on this Day.”

The origin of “Jaasiya” is “Jasaww” which means to kneel. The condition of those people on that Day will be because of the terror or because this is the why criminals sat after their judgment had been read out to them. They used to kneel as one does in the presence of a great authority.

The point to note is that the recording of the Book of Deeds has been attributed to God so that we may know that the recording is such that we can not expect any mistakes or negligence. He is aware and is encompassing all things. The word “Nastansikhu” is derived from “Nasakh” which according to the linguists means to erase something with the help of some thing else. Since it suggest the denial of one thing and acceptance of another so this word at times is used in the negative and at others times in the positive sense and something in both since making a copy like photography is also used in the same sense while the first reason or purpose is secreted and so these words are used.

Another des c r i p tion is used in the 5th verse for the Book of Deeds and that is the word “Taa-‘ir” or bird. It is said:

“ We have fastened the (bird) fate of every man on his neck and on the Day of Judgment We will bring out for him a book that he will find opened. “ Read your record. You are sufficient this Day to stand witness against yourself.”

The word “Taa-‘ir” means a bird and according to many commentators this word has been used because the Arabs used to take omens through them. They considered some birds to be the omen for well being and if they saw such bird when they came out of their house for a journey or some purpose they believed that they would have success while some other birds were considered to be sign of hardships and failure. This is why the word is used for both senses.

Some commentators have explained this that in Persian this word is used to mean fortune and since the Qura’n considered the human deeds to be either the sign of good or bad fortune so this word was used for the Book of Deeds. Qura’n used a simile for a symbolic conception.

If we keep the words, “And on the Day of Judgment We will bring out for him a book that he will find opened.” We can say that “Taa-‘ir” could be termed as “doing something” instead of being called a book of deeds because the words “deeds or A’maal” has been used twice. The deeds of men being on their necks mean that they cannot be separated from him. If they are good then they will be an adornment and if they are bad then they will be painful like yokes.

Two more points are worthy of note in this verse:

First is that the Books of Deeds will be opened on the Day of Reckoning and everyone will be aware of them because these books will be the source of either infamy or respect.

Second, The writings in these books will be so clear that there will be no need for another person to account them and it will be enough that the person concerned does so himself. He will do it either as a pale and sick person and this will expose his disease and sins or he will dot it with a radiant face and a smile that this will be the sign of his well being. He will be able to judge by himself and no witness will be required.

The 6th verse has another des c r i p tion of the Book of Deeds and that is “Zubur” which is the plural of Zaboor and it means a book. It is said:

“All that they do is noted in the Books, every matter small or big is on record.”

Though this verse points to the previous nations whose deeds were similar to the deeds of the pagans during the time of the Messenger but it clear that when it says that “Their deeds have been recorded” it also means that your deeds too will be recorded.

Actually “Zubur” comes from “Zubrah” which means a big piece of iron and then this was used to denote to bold letters that were inscribed on large pages. Raghib in Mafuradat says: Anything written in bold letters is called Zubur.

This tells us that Zuboor is not just any book but that the words are large in it. This has been used for the book of deeds very meaningfully and it denotes its solidity and clarity.

In the des c r i p tions “Saghir” and “Kabeer’ especially “Saghir” has been given prominence and this is also seen in various verses of the Qura’n. This tells us that no deed however small will be omitted in this book. (1)

The origin of “Mustatar” is ‘Satar’ and is used to denote writing and is an emphasis on the inscribing of deeds though not only the deeds but the diction and intention too will be noted as is denoted by both the verses. (Reflect)

In the 7th verse after declaring that the disbelievers will never be hopeful about the accounting of their deeds on the Day of Reckoning for this is the reason they deny the verses and the signs. The verse says: “We have preserved all things in the record.”

The word “Ahsaynahu” originates from “Ahsaa” which comes from the word “Hasa” which means pebbles. Since in the older the things used to be counted through pebbles rather than on the fingers the word “Ahsaa” is used for counting.

Some commentators have said that this word means “ to inscribe” in this verse that is why the word “ Kitaban” has been used because it should originate from the first verb but here since both the words have the same meaning so they can succeed one another (1)



1. Some people have said the word “Kitaban” may be the present but the first meaning seems more appropriate.


The Explanation of the VersesThe Books of Deeds that are kept in Illiyin and Sijjeen