The preparation for intercession


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c) The conditions for intercessionThe Time of Intercession

There is another proof about the intercessors mentioned in the Qura’nic verses and the educative side of the explanation of intercession.

The holy Messenger is reported to have said:

“The intercessors will be of four categories on the day of Judgment, Qura’n, good relations, trust keeping and the progeny of your Messenger and the prophets.” (1)

There is another hadith from him quoted by Masnad Ibn Hambal in which he said:

“Learn the Qura’n. It will be an intercessor on the Judgment Day.”(2)

The same meaning is conveyed in the words of Amirul Muminin: “Qura’n is the intercessor whose intercession will be accepted.” (3)

We learn from the various hadiths that the best thing that will lead to salvation is “repentance’. Hazrat Ali said: “no intercessor will be as succe3sful as repentance” (4)

From yet other hadiths we learn about the intercession from the prophets, the saints, the righteous people and the angels. The holy Messenger said;

“Intercession is prerogative of the prophets, saints, the righteous ones and the angels. There are among the righteous ones who will intercede for as many people as the tribes of Muzir and Rabei. The least number that a righteous person will intercede for will be thirty.” (5)

It also negates any kind of misinterpretation of any verse on intercession.

Imam Sadiq is reported to have said in one hadith : “ On the day of Judgment God will resurrect the scholar and the worshipper and when the come before Him, the true worshipper will be told to enter the Paradise and the scholar will be asked to stay behind for intercession of others. (6)

This means that intercession is connected with the good, the righteous, true believers and the Ulema but the Messenger has been quoted to have said about the martyrs that they will be given the authority of intercession for seventy thousand people through the progeny of the Messenger. (7)

In some hadith we find that the intercessor for the people will be truthfulness and deeds.(8)

In short after keeping every thing in view we can say that Intercession is a very important issue. Other than this all the attributes are not gathered at one place and it is in the hope of salvation that there is a decrease in sins and the importance of the attributes of the intercessors is discerned.

This gives life and strength to the laws of Islam. It is incorrect to interpret this as being spiritual and changes made for it are unlawful.(9)



1. Mizan-ol-Hikma vol.5 page 122
2. Masnad Hambal vol.5 page 251 (Beirut)
3. Nahjul Balagha sermon 176
4. Nahjul Balagha saying 371
5. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.8 page 58 hadith 75
6. Behar-ol- Anwar vol. 8 page 56 hadith 66
7. Tafsir Majmaul Bayan vol.2 page 538a for verse 171 of Surah Al Imran.
8. Ghararal Hakam
9. Tafsir al Mizan has given two categories of intercessors. In the list of manifest intercessors it speaks about repentance, belief, good deeds, Qura’n, prophets, angels and the righteous people and the arguments are based on the following verses that speak highly about how they can be helpful in salvation ( Though there is no mention of intercession in them) 45 of Surah Zumar, 28 of Hadeed, 9 and 16 of Maidah, 64 of Nisaa, 7 of Mumin, and 286 of Baqarah.


c) The conditions for intercessionThe Time of Intercession