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The Receptionists (The welcoming party)The unimaginable Bounties

There is one very meaningful verse among the other verses of the Qura’n which reveals some secreted sides like Nuzul. The word was first used in verse 198 of Surah al Imran:

“On the other hand for those who fear God are the garden beneath which the rivers flow. They will live there (forever) – and entertainment from God. And whatever is from Him is the best for the righteous.”

A similar meaning is conveyed in verse 107 of Surah Kahf, 19 of Surah Sajdah, 62 of Surah Saafaat and 32 of Surah Ha-Mim Sajdah.

We have to know the exact meaning of the word “Nuzul” to understand these verses. Raghib in Mafuradat says that “Nuzul” is something prepared for the incoming guest and thus all things that are arranged for the welcome of guests come under the purview of “Nuzul”. The Sahah-ol-Lughat and Maqayis also mention this meaning.

Some commentators have said that it means the reception that a king gives to his guests before fixing a salary or stipend for them. (1)

Others have said that “Nuzul” is the first thing that is presented to a guest like a cold drink etc. (2)

This meaning is close to the definition to be revealed or descend and so the Qura’n says that the gardens of Paradise with all their bounties are the first thing presented to the guest and this signifies that greater bounties are in store for them.

This may also be referring to the spiritual bounties and beatific vision. This is why the verse 198 of Surah Al Imran after saying, “An entertainment from God” says, “And that which is from God is the best for the righteous.” (Reflect) Even if we consider the entire feast that is prepared for the believers as “Nuzul” we cannot deny that the bounties of the great and Beneficent Lord is not limited to food but there are dresses and other bounties plus great treasures that He will bestow on them. Whatever interpretation we make it must include the spiritual bounties from God.



1. Tafsir Kabeer vol.25 page 182
2. Tafsir Al Minar vol.4 page 314. Three meanings that are slightly different but very close to the original meaning have been mentioned.


The Receptionists (The welcoming party)The unimaginable Bounties