The Special Respect.


صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Spiritual PleasureThe Peaceful Environment

The special honor of the Paradise dwellers will begin from the moment they enter it. The guardians of Paradise will welcome them. The verse 73 of Surah Zumar says:

“And those who feared their Lord will be led to the gardens in groups until behold they arrive there. Its gates will be opened and the keepers will say, “Peace on you for you have done well! Enter and live here.”

We learn here that the guardians of Paradise wait earnestly for these righteous people and the gates of Paradise have been opened before their arrival. They will be welcomed with due honor and the guardians will greet them. They will enjoin them with beautiful words to Paradise and its eternal bounties. (1)

This is the way to welcome an honorable guest. The gates are opened and the hosts waits earnestly for his guests. They are greeted immediately on arrival and this gives a spiritual pleasure.

The word “Khazanah” is the plural of “Khaazan”which means guardian or protector. Here it refers to the angels who are the guardians of Paradise responsible for its arrangement.

After the guests enter Paradise it will be the duty of the angels to come from all its gates and welcome them and congratulate them.

Verses 23 and 24 of Surah Raad say:

“And the angels shall come to them from all the gates with salutations. Peace on you for being persevering and steadfast. How excellent is the final abode!”

We learn from this verse that the angels will come to them from all the gates for there will be many gates (like that for prayers, jihad and Hajj) It seems that every group of angel will come to them for a specific deed and all the deeds have been accumulated in the word “Sabr” or perseverance for it includes patience in obedience, in face of hardships and for not committing sins.

The greeting that God will send to them is far greater; a greeting full of mercy and love. Verse 58 of Surah Yasin says:

“Peace! A word of salutation from the most merciful Lord!” (2)

This greeting that enraptures the soul, pleasant and full of pleasure will so enchant the dwellers of Paradise that they will go into raptures that no bounty can equal. Listening to the voice of the beloved in greater than all the bounties.

The desire to meet the beloved, the yearning to see the friend and the greeting from the beloved which will remove all screens are so re-energizing that the lovers will be perturbed if they remain far from it. Some Ahle Sunnah commentators have quoted this meaningful sentence from Hazrat Ali:

“I will die if I am deprived from His beatific vision for even one moment.”(4)

This will be the last wish of the Paradise dwellers and it will be a moment of great honor when the beneficent will send his greetings to them.

This has been mentioned in various verses of the Qura’n but the speaker of this greeting is not mentioned (Like in verse 46 of Surah Hijr, 75 of Surah Furqaan and 134 of Surah Saad).

It is possible that the greeting will be said by the angels. Some verses suggest the possibility that they may be the Paradise dwellers who greet each other or it may come from the supreme authority, God.



1. The Wav in “Wa Futihat abwaabuhaa” tells us that the gates will already be opened (Verse 50 of ‘Surah Saad says: “eternal gardens whose gates will always be open to them” and the same is sad when the sinners reach Hell.
2. Some thing is hidden here for it say: Fani’ma Aaqibatul duniya al Jannah.’
3. The welfare of this heartbroken is your greeting. If your greeting’s wealth can reach me then I will be ever obliged.
4. Tafsir Ruhul Bayan vol.7 page 416


Spiritual PleasureThe Peaceful Environment