The Gardens of Paradise


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IntroductionThe Shades in Paradise

From the various verses we discern that Paradise is a very beautiful place full of gardens and they cannot be compared to the ones in this world. Qura’n has described it simply for us worldly people or else its true picture is beyond our imagination.

In more than a 100 verses Qura’n has mentioned and described the garden or the two gardens.

Verse 13 of Surah Nisaa says;

“And whoever obeys God and His Messenger shall be admitted into the gardens under which the rivers flow.”

Verse 221 of Surah Baqarah says:

“God invites you to Paradise and His forgiveness by His leave.”

Verse 46 of Surah Rahman says:

“But for him who fears standing before his Lord will be two gardens.”

The words, Jannaat, Jannataan, and Jannah are all derived from Jann which means to cover. According to Raghib it means something from overt feeling and there are a few others derived from it.

“Jannah” means garden because the earth is hidden under the trees. In other words the trees hide the ground. But Maqayis-ol-Loghata says that it is so called because it is hidden from the believers but this meaning seems far fetched because the gardens of this world are also called Jannah. This is because the grounds beneath the trees remain hidden by it. (Reflect)

“Janeen” is the child in the mother’s womb hidden from our eyes.

“Janan” means heart because it is hidden in the chest.

“Mijan” means a shield.

“Jin and Jan” are those living things that are hidden and the snakes that are hidden and dangerous.

Janajin is the name for ribs.

‘Junoon’ means dementia because it covers sanity.

“Junoonal Layl” is the darkness that covers the world.

The point to note is that the trees of paradise are dense and have covered their grounds.

Qura’n after mentioning the gardens says “ under which the rivers flow” which means that water is always running beneath the gardens of Paradise or the branches of the trees cover the streams. (Reflect)

This is because water and trees together are a picturesque sight as if one is incomplete without the other.

Secondly, this greenery is always where the trees are close to water but those far from it do not have that freshness.

The life of the trees is connected to water so this should always be close to it.

This has been amply described in a hadith that says:

“The streams of Paradise will not be flowing in culverts or ridges but they will all be on the level with the ground. They will flow to any direction which the dwellers of Paradise desire.” (1)

The stranger fact that the rivers will not only be flowing under the trees of paradise and some verses tell us that the building in it will also be built near the streams and the rivers of water will flow underneath them.

Verse 85 of Surah Ankabut says:

“We shall certainly lodge those who believe and do good deeds in gardens beneath which the rivers flow.”(2)



1. Tafsir Qartabi vol.1 page 24
2. For the same meaning see verse 20 of Surah Zumar


IntroductionThe Shades in Paradise