“Justice is the scale”


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The Scale that measures the deedsWhich deeds will be heavy on the scales?

The problem is how to gather these hadith at one place because some declare it to be the infallible Imams and some have taken it to be justice but in case of apostle David the scale was something with two sides that covered the earth and the skies. These three explanations seem contradictory.

But when we take the meaning of “Mizan” to be the justice of God and the Messenger and the infallible Imams are its examples, and then this contradiction is easily dispelled. We also understand that this law of justices covers the heavens and the earth. (4)

It is also understood that Apostle David swooned on seeing this scale because the prominence of justice and the elevated status of the Messenger and his infallible Imams was due to considering their deeds to be ordinary.

Another notable point is that such a great scale is filled by the single date which is given with pious intentions.

Some scholars believe that on the Day of Judgment religious leaders and saints are like the sides of the scales and the deeds of men their beliefs and intentions are the other side.

On the Day of Judgment both the sides of the scales will be compared. This can be discerned from the Qurani’c des c r i p tion that says: Those whose sides will be light and those whose sides will be heavy. We can also see verse 105 of Surah Kahf which speaks about a group of disbelievers as:

“On the Day of Judgment We shall not give them any weight.”

The scale being light denotes that there is dearth of good deeds because of the weakness of their belief and the scale being heavy denotes that they have lot of goodness stored. The more our deeds and beliefs resemble them our sides of the scale will heavy.



1. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.7 page 252 (edited)
2. Tafsir Ruhul Bayan vol.5 page 486 for verse 47 of Surah Anbiya and the same has come with a little difference in Tafsir Kabeer and Tafsir Ruhul Ma’ani.
3. Tafsir Nurus Saqlain vol2 page 5
4. Tafsir Safi as quoted by Mulla Faiz kashani for verse 8 of Surah Rahman.


The Scale that measures the deedsWhich deeds will be heavy on the scales?