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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 50-53Verses 54-57

      Joseph interpreted the king's dream so logically and reasonably that attracted the attention of the king and all his courtiers. Pharaoh came to know in brief that, Joseph was much more than a slave prisoner, and had been imprisoned some how in a mysterious way and guiltless. He therefore became eager to have a visit with him. So he sent the cup-bearer to fetch him from the prison.

      In his way, the cup-bearer was thinking that his former fellow-prisoner would be overjoyed at the summon of the king, but in time he found him different. Joseph did not want to accept the scornful forgiveness of the king. By now he was entirely dependant upon his Lord God, and showed no enthusiasm or eagerness to the call! First of all he wanted to be free of any charge in the sight of the public, and, after all if once again he had to be exposed to the evil solicitations of the ladies, he would prefer to remain in that prison. On the other hand if he was to do a great work for the people of Egypt, he had to have confidence and assurance of not being interrupted by the guile of the courtiers, and the wile of women. To him his nobleness and prestige was far more important than occupying the position of a minister, or AZIZ, in the court of Pharaoh. He therefore said to the king's messenger:ِ

      ``Go back to your lord and ask him what was the case of the woman who cut their hands?''

      It is worthy of note here, that Joseph discreetly omitted any particular mention of Zulaikhah who in fact had been the cause of his imprisonment and most of the troubles.

      When the king received the message of Joseph and considered his request, and also his reluctance; he compared him with the flatterers who had surrounded him, and became more attracted to Joseph's personality. He soon called the ladies to a meeting and asked:ِ    ``What was your affair when you sought to entice Joseph?''

      Here the sleepy conscience of the ladies leapt up and all of them testified to Joseph's honesty and innocence. In that wonderful meeting of justice and confession, although Zulaikhah was present, the other ladies took the lead and grudgingly they all acknowledge the innocence and honesty of Joseph; but they held a discreed silence about Zulaikhah who stood there calm and quiet, gazing at the others!

      At once Zulaikhah interrupted the ladies, and made a speech frankly and full of enthusiasm. She; without any fear or feeling of restriction, acknowledged her own guilt saying:ِ

      ``Now is the turn of truth, which has already come to light. I solicited him. I sought to seduce and entice him, and he is completely guiltless, and is indeed a truthful man!''

      She then tried to reveal to Joseph that; during his absence, she had always been constant and firm in her love and fidelity. She continued and said:ِ

      ``I confessed that, in order to make known to Joseph that; I have never been false to him in his absence, and I know that Allah will never guide the guile and trick of betrayers. True that I accused him with a false charge, but I did that in a state of blind passion, and to his face. Yet I do not acquit myself of blames, because the carnal soul of human incites to evil, unless my Lord who is Forgiving and Merciful, may bestow His Mercy upon us.''

      Her speech was as if she asked for pardon and Mercy, with the hope to obtain the capacity for having a true love as Joseph could understand it!


Verses 50-53Verses 54-57