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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 42-44Verses 45-46

      The argument ceased, and the believer could not penetrate the truth in the heart of the materialist. He returned home as proud as he had come; not knowing that he was destined to taste his bad luck here in this life. He fell asleep in the night, and a hail stone shower, a flash of lightning with a crash of thunder, an earthquake, or who knows what sort of a punishment, stroke his garden by way of reckoning; and in the next morning he could not find anything of what he had last night!

      All had been destroyed and reduced to nothing!

      What else could he do but wringing his hands with the grief and anger for all that he had lost; and all that he had spent so far! Who could help him then except Allah? All his income, besides all his capital on which his hopes had been built, gone at once; and he was now as poor as his companion or more! No one could now help him; nor even himself could be of any help. He who was thinking too much of his children and dependants, in being helpful in emergency cases, found them all of no use!

      One cannot expect his rescue from a drowned. The people in this world are all more helpless than one another.

      This parable illustrates the vanity of wealth which may end in blasphemy and destruction. Men with low capacities, when become rich, may easily lose their self-control; and make a show of their wealth and possibilities to the others, to use it as a means of attaining superiority. People too may gather round them as the gnats gather round a piece of sweet, or the ants gather on the carcass of an insect, and this gathering, the rich people who are usually void of knowledge, may take it to be due to their personal influence and attraction.

      On the other hand their love for their material properties may become so tender, that they don't think that their superiority and position will ever perish! Even they may think that they are loved by God, that, He has given them so much of wealth and material goods; and if there be a next life at all, they will have a better position and wealth, there too:ِ

      ``And he entered his garden, being oppressor to himself, said; I don't think this garden of mine will ever perish, and I don't think the hour will come on; and even if I returned to my Lord, I will find better than it, in exchange.''

      Some of the lessons that we may take from the above example, are as follows:ِ

       The goods of this material world are all fleeting by nature and may vanish swiftly, and therefore we should not rely on them.

       The friends who encircle round about us in time of fortune, are mostly the friends of purse and position, and as soon we lose our rank and wealth, we lose them too! We ought to know that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

       Repentance and return is useless after the punishment of God has overtaken us. Pharaoh too, repented when he was drowned! we read in S 10:90ِ91;

      ``And We passed the Israelites over the sea with Pharaoh and his hosts in pursuit; until when drowning overtook him, he said:ِ

      ``I believe that there is no God except He in whom the children of Israel believe, and I am of those who have submitted to God.''

      And God's answer to Pharaoh was:ِ

      ``Now!? And you have rebelled before and were of the corruptors?'' And so was the case with our materialist gardener in the above parable, that when he saw his garden and fruits all destroyed, he said:ِ (VERSE NO.42)

      ``Would that I had associated no one with my Lord.'' He did say so, but it was too late!




Verses 42-44Verses 45-46