
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 94-95Verses 96-99

      The story of the ancient people who were doomed, has almost always been the same, and such that; when they filled their society with mischief-corruption, and oppression, and caused various mental, spiritual and corporeal, diseases; some apostle or Divine Teacher began to advise, admonish, and warn them, so that they might reform, repent, and return. The teachers had a good news for them in their right hand, and a warning in their left, asking the people to submit to the will of their Lord God, and to seek His forgiveness, and to stop doing evil deeds.

      When all the endeavours to bring the wicked people to the right path of truth failed, God's command of punishment was issued and within a couple of hours doomed all the objectors and rejectors! The faithfuls were saved and the faithless were punished.

      And so was the case with the people of Shuaib, who did not pay heed to the warnings of their prophet; and therefore a tremendous noise seized them at night, and in the morning they were fallen on their faces deads; as if they had never dwelt there.

      The noise, thunderbolt, earthquake, volcanic eruption, or whatever the means of their punishment and ruin should have been, it certainly must have been able to distinguish between wrong and right, and bad and good! This is why Shuaib and those who believed with him were all rescued, while the oppressors and disbelievers perished!:ِ

      ``And when our command for their punishment came to pass, we saved Shuaib and those who believed with him, and a dreadful cry seized the oppressors.''

      God's universal plan is just and perfect and in general calamities and afflictions, he saves those who have done well; by His special grace, and afflicts those who have oppressed. In His general plan, God has all the movements and dispositions under his control, and even a leaf can not fall down the branch, unless he knows it!
      The useful lessons that the incident of Shuaib can teach us are many, some of which are as follows in brief:ِ

       Economical affairs are very important and we must take care of the transactions, and not to deal in fraud, or lessen the share and rights of our counterparts.

       We should never sacrifice the principles for excessive enthusiasm and unreasoning Zeal and neither for personal hatred and private grudges forget the truth and ignore the rights of other people.
       Prayer calls us to monotheism and piety. So we should not take it easy, and perform it perfunctorily and carelessly.

       Self-conceit, and overweening opinion of our own natural endowments, faculties, and knowledge, will give a halt to our progress, and prevent our physical and spiritual development.

       Faith and act are not two separate and distinguished things, but one is the fruit of the other. So the sweet fruit of the tree of faith is good deeds, and without doing good, faith is fruitless.

       The aim of the apostles were to reform and to put matters and affairs aright, so that the people and their societies could move on, and progress in the path of evolution.

      In this goal, their best means of success was their trusts in God, and their constancy and perseverance which was due to that confidence and trust.




Verses 94-95Verses 96-99