
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 37-40Verses 41-44

      The above verses answer some more of the unbeliever's questions, to show that not only they were wrong in understanding their origin, GOD, they were also wrong in accusing God's prophet of composing the Qurän himself and then relating it to God.

      The verses begin with the clause that:ِ

      ``This Qurän could not have been forged by anyone other than God.''

      The dignity, wisdom, and wonders of this amazing Book are so high and extraordinary, that no man can ever think of bringing the like of it! The sun itself is the best proof of the sun's existence and glory. If you are looking for such reasons, then you better have a look directly to the sun.

      In this wonderful Book you will find the real Message of God to Man which is sent down through His Messenger. God's Message to Man and His revelation throughout the ages, is only one and the same for all. It is written in QِS 42:11;ِ

      ``The same religion has been established for you, as that which God enjoined on NOAH. That which we have inspired to you, We have enjoined it on ABRAHAM, MOSES, and JESUS. You should hold the religion of Allah firmly, making no division there in...''

      Therefore the Glorious Qurän confirms, completes, and further explains, the one true Message of the one true God, whose comprehensive name is Allah.

      The Message consists of all the necessary rules and regulations for man's conducts in his everyday life, and in all ages. In the principles of the Message, such as the faith, morals, conducts, social and individual rights, and fight against ignorance and evil, and invitation to truth and justice; there is no difference in followers of God's religion. The Divine Books have been sent down to the prophets in classes, and grades, and each Book conveys a higher teaching of lessons than the book which was sent before it, or better to say; it further completes and explains the one true Message of God. In other word the Books sent through the various apostles are all complementary to one another.

      The unbelievers reject God's Message simply because they don't understand it, and its elucidation has not been made clear to them.

      Then once again Qurän challenges all those who think that Mohammad has composed the verses of the Book himself and apart from God, to bring at least a chapter or a SURA the like of it; and yet fifteen centuries has elapsed from this call to challenge, and no one has dared to proceed in this field! This challenge is indeed a wonderful one and a true miracle for those who may reflect.

      The people are then asked to go back a little way in time and space, and study the end of those who oppressed by rejecting the Message of God:ِ

      ``Then look how was the end of the oppressors.''

      The oppressors in particular, and the mischievous in general, have always come to misery and misfortune in the course of history and ages. But they are so headstrong and selfish that they don't care to study the fate of those who behaved like them in the past, and see what has happened to others, and what will happen to them.




Verses 37-40Verses 41-44