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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 18-21Verses 22-25

      The first verse refers to those who are only after the enjoyments of this fast-moving mortal life, ignoring the life to come. They prefer the transient and temporary things here, over the permanent and everlasting thing in the Hereafter. God has infinite Mercy and Grace, and will not prevent them their wishes, as far as it is allowed by His universal plan.

      In the whole existence, TIME is a relative matter, and eternity and infinite duration prevails. Therefore, transitory things of this life down here, in which we live on a probation, are of little worth and value. And worst of that; is, to abtain the fleeting enjoyments, and momentary pleasures, at the price of an eternal misery, and deprivation of God's Grace.

      Besides the Hell, which is the abode of those who do their best to obtain the advantages of this quick-passing life; They shall also be reproached by their own conscience, and by all.

      Contrary to the above verse (NO.18), is the next one which refers to those whose eyes are fixed upon the next world which is everlasting and of infinite duration:ِ

      ``And he who intends the life to come, and strives doing his best for it, being a believer, they are of those whose strife shall be thanked.''

      They too shall have their share of God's Bounty in this life, and yet their endeavours which are aimed at the life to come, are all accepted by Allah.

      They try hard, because they know that mere wish and sheer desire, is not enough to obtain salvation. They have to back up their intention with labour and strife.

      It is worthy of note, that, the endeavour of the first secular group is said to lead them to Hell, while that of the second group will be thanked by God. In other word, our Merciful Lord will be thankful for the righteous deeds of the believers!

      Of course, this world and its transitory things have not been reproached or undervalued by the Glorious Qurän.

      In the sight of Islam, this material world is as important as the physical and spiritual life to come; supposing that we use this world as a means and not as a goal. This world is a good instrument by which we may obtain the prosperity of the life to come. This world is a farm land for sowing seeds, and to harvest it in the next world. So those who choose the transient enjoyments of here, as their aims and not as a means; their loss shall be immense, because the temporary life here is not comparable with the everlasting life after death.

      The verses also imply that Man's endeavours play a vital role in his life, both here and in hereafter. We all ought to know that, life gives nothing to mortals except through labour and strife. Labour is said to have a bitter root, but a sweet fruit, and work and endeavour is the mother of pleasure.


      The next verse (NO.20) implies that God's Grace and Favour is like the rain or such as the sunshine that showers down upon all His creatures:ِ

      ``We help all these and all those by the gift of your Lord, and the gift of your Lord has not been prevented from anyone.''

      Those who deserve it, and those who deserve it not; will have their share of God's bounty, but the shares are not the same and equal in measure. There are so many grades here as well as in the Hereafter. But the grades are far greater in the world to come, and so are the diversity of the ranks there!




Verses 18-21Verses 22-25