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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 61-65Verses 66-69

      These verses refer to the disobedience of IBLIS, and his refusing to prostrate himself before Adam.

      Satan is a full example of arrogance, blasphemy, and jealousy, and these characteristics of him caused his fall. His followers too are treading his path, and proved his promise to be carried out. He said to our Lord:ِ

      ``I will root up Adam's offspring, with the exception of only a few of them who are pure in faith and sincere in act.''

      The first verse in this group (NO.61) asks Man to consider SATAN'S refusal and rejection:ِ

      ``And when We said to the angels; prostrate yourselves before Adam. They all prostrated except Iblis....''

      The purpose of prostration here is showing courtesy and respect, and being humble; and this was because Man has been honoured and excelled over many of God's creatures, and for this great gift he owes thanks and higher responsibilities.

      When Iblis found himself rejected and discharged from the Divine court, due to his own arrogance and jealousy; he did not care to repent and return, and to redress his misfortune! He rather insisted upon his assertion, saying:ِ

      ``Are you seeing this creature that you have honoured him above me? If you let me live up to the Resurrection Day, I will prove that he is void of any value, and does not worth that honour of you. If you respite me I will root up his descendents and lead them all astray, except a few of them who are pure in faith and sincere in act. I can easily bridle them all, and pull them wherever I want.

      Therefore, to create a field of trial for man to show his talent, and to put to work his faculties, and to be baked in the furnace of incidents and experiences, in order to attain his deserved development; God, agreed with Satan's request. Allah respited him not, as he had asked, up to Resurrection Day, but for the time being during which Man may live on probation. Following the respite, Allah said to Satan;

      ``Go on! But know that he who follows you of them, the Hell shall be your reward, and theirs too. So stir you, whoever of them you can, by your voice of seduction, deception, and lie. Send against them your hosts, and share with them their wealth and children, and promise them though your promise is nothing but vanity and vain!''

      Qurän has put stress upon the fact that Satan has not any authority or effective power upon Man, unless he deliberately follows him. In particular, Satan can do nothing to those who are pure in faith and sincere in act, and put their trust in God. He lays his various traps in the way of Man. He may seduce some one with his speech, or tempt some one with allurment.

      To say it in a metaphorical way; he has his hosts of cavalry and infantry here and there, and various kinds of weapons that he may use. He may make use of the beauty of a woman, or the glory of rank, or the attraction of wealth, to entice his prey. Devilish armed forces have many a time been a dangerous means in the hands of the cruel invaders, and inhuman dictators of the history of Man, such as Nerone, Hitler, and other wild conquerors, and blood-thirsties.

      Satan may frighten his followers from poverty, illness, and death. Some commentators have understood that Satan's sharing Man in wealth and children is through usury and giving birth to unlawful children; but we are of opinion that the words have wider meanings which includes obtaining any sort of unlawful wealth and children.



Verses 61-65Verses 66-69