VERSES NO. 31 - 33


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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 31-33Verses 34-36

      Here the word is running around God's existence and some of his wonderful favour to man and His creatures, and also there are some hints to God's infinite merits:ِ

      Say:ِ ``Who sustains you from the sky and the earth'' Sustenance consists of all the provisions necessary for maintaining our physical life such as food and drink, as well as mental and spiritual development.

      Most of the sustenances for man come down from the sky. The rain, and the sun's rays come down to provide our physical sustenance, and the Divine inspiration is sent down to the prophet to satisfy our mental and spiritual needs. The verse also points at two of the most important of our facultiesِthat of hearing and sight, which are the means of earning knowledge. The verse imply that it is only God who owns and can give us the faculties of sight and hearing.

      The argument then moves towards two very important phenomenons of the universe which are life and death. The matter of life, and its coming out of the dead material is indeed a wonderful riddle which knowledge and wisdom has so far failed to solve! We do not have a satisfying answer that, how does life sprout from an inanimate material on the earth?

      As to the phrase:ِ ``Who disposes the order and affairs.'' It sums up the argument with the question that: who arranges the wonderful order that rules the universe and its various affairs? To answer that; the construction, maintenance, and control of the whole creation is all done by Allah, and thus He is the only existence who is worthy of worship and praise, God is the mere truth and His word and message is truth too, and therefore, disregarding the truth will lead us into woeful wrong, both in belief and conductِWhat is there after truth except aberration and straying from the right way of salvation and prosperity?

      Inspite of all that evidences; there remains the question that; Don't we want to pay heed, and avoid evil? And where to are we perverting from the truth and the straight path of God? We should know that the nature of evil deed is so that, finally will render our hearts and minds incapable of accepting faith and truth! And if so, we shall go out of the bound of humanity and will live an animal life and will have an animal doom too.




Verses 31-33Verses 34-36