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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)

      A particular scene of the Day of Resurrection has been illustrated here in which word and speech is of no use! In that particular stage of Dooms Day, no one will speak except by God's permission. A seal is set upon their mouths, (S36:65) and instead of their tongues; their instruments of actions, such as their hands and feet, will speak to God about their guilts!

      The Day of Last Judgment is a highly serious and awe-inspiring day, before the greatest of all judges Who knows everything hidden or open, and has such an authority that no one dares to question, speak in self-defence or intercede for others; unless God permits him to do so. In such that critical situation, speaking is meaningless, because word is a means to display a hidden thought, or disclose an idea or a suggestion; but when everything is exposed to view, there will remain no room for any word or speech to express one's thought. In that stage of the long Day of Judgement, it is man and his deeds on the carpet, and the deeds are all exposed to view, and have form and shape to be seen by all. When that day comes all the truths and facts are uncovered and unveiled, and nothing there is exactly similar to what we see here in this world.

      According to some other verses of Qurän, there are also stages to pass, in which people will talk to each other and to angels and apostles, and even to Allah. Eventually and by the end of the judgement; people are classified in two groups:ِ some of them are fortunate and blessed, and the other group are wretched and unfortunate, according to what they have been doing in this world. The unfortunate ones will go to Hell, wherein for them is sighs and sobs, moanings and wailings. And the blessed ones are fortunate enough to join Paradise, and its gardens of bliss, wherein they receive uninterrupted gifts and blessings from their Lord. Both parties will remain in their abode for ever, except as God wills.

      ABOUT the Arabic, ©KHÄLIDIN¨ that we have translated to, ©DWELL FOR EVER¨ there is a hot controversy among the commentators and theologians. Some have concluded that the punishment referred to, are on condition of the endurance of the heavens and earth, which are not eternal beings. Therefore the penalties too, are not eternal and forever and finally the inhabitants of Hell will move up to live in Paradise.
      The other theologians hold that, if the above condition exists, it exists for both parties, and inhabitants of Paradise too must have an end. But there is also a second condition in the above verses that, ©EXCEPT AS GOD WILLS¨ which may solve the problem easier. That is to say if God wills. he can give an end to the penalties and change the condition and position of both, raising the inhabitants of Hell up to the Gardens of Bliss if He wills, and promote the inhabitants of Paradise, in accordance to the Law of Evolution, to a higher grade of life. And this idea agrees more with the limitless Mercy and infinite power and knowledge of God. A reason to support the latter suggestion is the ending of the above verse (NO.108) that says:ِ


      This implies that the gifts of God that are bestowed upon the inhabitants of Paradise are uninterrupted, and they shall never be ceased, be they bestowed in the Paradise or elsewhere in the new heavens and earth.

      Some people and critics have objected on the matter of KHOLOOD=everlasting of penalties, saying:ِ `` What sort of a justice is this, that man for a short period of life time, of doing good or bad, should taste an eternal punishment or reward!?''

      To answer this question we have to consider a few points first:ِ
       That eternal punishments is not applied to all the sinners and guilties. There are a certain group of people who have immersed in their passions, caprices, and vanity so that they do nothing but sin; and even if they continue for ever they continue with sinnings, and they never change their minds. They have indeed sold their self and soul to Satan, and have closed all the windows and loopholes of rescue and salvation upon themselves. These are the very incarnation of Badness and Devil! And after all, in the Hell, there is not an apparent flaming Fire; and one who lives there he burns with his inner fire, that he has earned its fuel through his life history.

       The relation of a sin and its punishment, is not a quantitative or a timely relation. It rather is a qualitative relation that exists between deeds and rewards, be they positive or negative.

       The punishments in the Dooms Day are the natural effects of sins and wrongs. The torments and agonies that the sinners suffer is the direct and natural effect, and the fruit of their deeds. As an example, think of a man who is a drunkard and within a week drinks so much that he is inflicted with a severe ulcer in the stomach, which it will not be cured throughout his life.

      Does any body object here that the standard with which the sin has been measured for the ulcer punishment is not based on justice?
      Another instance of this can be a driver, who observes not the safety precautions, and in an instance through an accident, he becomes blind for life! How do we want to concern and judge the cause with effect here?

      On the contrary to the said instances we may have a farmer who sprinkles a handful of flower seeds upon a large piece of fertile land, and after a period of time the whole extensive land is seen to have been covered with tens of thousands of beautiful flowers of various colours! What is the relation between that handful of seeds, and that extensive beauty of the flowers, and what has the effect to do with the cause?



