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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 58-60Verses 61-65

      The first of the verses here consists of a wakening advice or warning, that this present world in which we live now; is not a permanent abode for us. It will be perished and destroyed, any how; and the everlasting abode for Man to live in, will be the world and the life to come:ِ

      ``There is not a town unless we destroy it before the Resurrection Day, or We punish it severely....''

      Eventually this world will come to end, giving its place and to a new one, with a new creation; and this is destined in the Book of Creation, which is in fact God's infinite knowledge, and general plan. Therefore those who reject faith and truth, should know that even if they live long up to the end of this world, they at last will have to perish and prepare for a new creation.

      The disbeliever may say:ِ ``O.K., we are willing to convert, but on condition that we may observe the signs and miracles that we ask for.'' The answer to this in Qurän is:ِ

      ``God can do anything. Nothing is impossible for him. But experiences have shown that miracles have not proved so effective and promoting in the past:ِ

      ``Nothing has prevented us to send down the signs, except that the foremost people belied it. As an instance we brought to the people of Thamud the she-camel but they oppressed her!''

      The foremost generations treated the signs and miracles presented by God's apostles, with contempt and insolence. An example of this, was the she-camel that the people of Thamud hamstrung her, and thereby incurred the wrath of Allah upon themselves! For more about the incident of the she-camel, please refer to volume2 of this book, S 7:73

      In the last verse (NO.60) we read that; God surrounds all people, and implies that His forbearance which arises from His Mercy and Compassion, should never be thought as a sign of His weakness, or diminishing of His infinite power.


      We must indeed fear the losing of such a Merciful, Compassionate, All-grace and beauty Lord, who is our real friend, protector, and guardian.

      Then mention is made of the prophet's dream, and the CURSED TREE.

      Some of the great commentators, either Sonni or Shiite, such as FAKHR-AL-RAZI, GHARTABI, TABARSI, and FAIZ KÄSHÄNI have written in their famous commentary books, that, our prophet dreamt a curious dream, that, some monkeys were ascending and descending his pulpit! When the prophet woke up, he was very sad; so much so, that he rarely smiled after that dream!

      Those monkeys were interpreted to have been the OMMAYID DYNASTY, who usurped our prophets pulpit of power, and turned it to a throne of kingship, or better to say, Dictatorship.

      Among them was the cruelest, and the most inhuman and merciless of kings, whose name was YAZID. Perhaps this is why the verse which we discuss (NO.60), ends in this figurative phrase; ``FA, MÄ YAZID,OHOM ELLA TOGHYÄNAN KABIRÄ''

      YAZID was the dictator king who sat on the throne of Mohammad, and killed the prophet's most beloved grandson, HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN (AS)! They carried his head upon a spear from KARBALÄ to DAMISHGH their capital city! He took the grand daughter ZAINAB (AS), as captives!

      YAZID FORBADE the household of our prophet from access to water! They were so cruel that, when Imam Hussain (AS) asked them to give a drink of water to his six month old son (ALI-ASGHAR), who was starving in that hot Arabian summer; they mocked at Hazrat Imam Hussain, and shot the baby at his throat and slew him!

      As to the CURSED TREE, No commentator has said anything to be more becoming than the tree too, alludes to Ommayid Dynasty, and those monkeys who ascended the prophet's pulpit in his dream. The cursed tree, the commentators say, is a figurative word written in a metaphorical way, to connote the said monkeys, or the accursed Ommayid Dynasty, and in particular their champion of cruelty and inhumanity, YAZID.... and soon the oppressors will come to know in what sort of a change, have they changed!





Verses 58-60Verses 61-65