
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 3-8Verses 9-13

      In order to pluck up polytheism by the roots, and attract the attentions Monotheism, here two different ways are followed. At first, by reasoning on the wonderful order of creation, and then on the expression of sentiments and mental attitudes, man is reminded of God's infinite bounties and favours, that are bestowed on him; perhaps he may leave evil and grasp the goodness in God:ِ

      ``He created the heavens and earth with truth. Far is He above the partners that they associate with Him.''

      As to the phrase; ``All are created with truth'', in this wide world nothing is created for play or for nothing. There is plan, purpose and design behind the creation of everything.

      Then reference is made to the origin and to the creation of Man himself saying:ِ

      ``He created man of a trifling sperm-drop, and yet he is an open inimical, and full of hostility and dispute!

      The origin of Man is physically trifling and lowly for begining with a sperm-drop; and then after his various stages of creation one after another, the creator blows of His spirit in Man and the things will turn otherwise. He will have amazing faculties, immense capacity, and strange power and ability! These will cause him to have Free-will to some extent, and obtain authority and responsibility.

      All these qualifications serve to raise him to the rank of the VICEGERENT of God upon the earth.... a rank which is higher in grade than that of the angels. So, all the material things, cattle, animals, and living creatures, will be made subservient to Man, in order to use them in various just and truthful purposes:ِ

      ``And the cattle, He created for you. There is clothing and other benefits, and of them you eat.''

      The Arabic, ``DEF'' means any kind of covering and clothing, most of which are made out of the wool, fur and skins of the animals.


      It is remarkable that the reference is not only made to the physical profits of the cattle and animals. When the cattle go to pasture in the morning and return to its fold or sheep-cote in the evening, their collective movement will incite confidence and happiness in the owner. He will have a sense of power and wealth when he sees the beauty, and hears the ringing sound of the bells that are hung from the neck of his sheep, goats, cows and camels.

      In the next verse, another profit that man takes from the animals has been referred to.

      ``And they carry your heavy loads to a land that you would not reach it without self-help in hardship. Verily your Lord is Kind, Compassionate to you.''

      The beasts of burden, such as the horse, mule, ass, and camel, have helped a lot so far in the history of man's journey and transport. In the life time of our prophet Allah promised to create for Man's carriage and transport means and carriers that were not known to Man:ِ

      ``.... And We will create for you, besides the beasts of burden, what you do not know them.''

      Now, Allah's promise has been carried out and Man has obtained more and more comfort in his travelling and transportations. There has been many changes in the history of Man's transport. Horses and mules gave their place to the carriage. The carriage turned to tramway and trains; then there came modern beautiful cars in the road, and amazing aeroplanes have conquered the sky ways. At any given point of time, many of such inventions were unknown to Man, nor can we guess what will happen to-morrow, and what sort of a bird and BORÄGH will move us up to the stars in the future:ِ

      ``And He created for you horses, mules, and asses to ride and to be your adornments. And He will create for you in future what you know it know to-day.''




Verses 3-8Verses 9-13