
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 31-35Verses 36-40

      Here, by the above five verses, six more commandments have been issued, which are explained in an agreeable and beautiful language. These are as follows:ِ

1- A dreadful crime which is among the most heinous sins, was being committed by the Arabs of Pagan Era. They committed the extremely offensive crime of female infanticide before the advent of our prophet. In sight of the Pagan Arabs, son was a source of power and honour, but daughter was a source of shame and disgrace, particularly in the warfare. (PLEASE READ COMMENTS ON S16:56ِ60 ABOUT FEMALE INFANTICIDE)

Mohammad (AS) declared child infanticide strictly unlawful, and a cruel unjust act, and a great sin; and since then no report have we received of such criminals.

      Among the Pagan Arabs were also some poor and ignorant people who slayed their children for fear of poverty. In the above verse, (NO.31) Allah has forbidden child infanticide in general, and particularly for economical reasons:ِ

      ``And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We sustain them and yourselves. Indeed killing your children is a great sin.''


2- The second major sin that has been seriously forbidden by Islam; is fornication in general, and adultery in particular:ِ

      ``And do not approach fornication, that, it is indecency and so bad a way.''

      The verse says; do not approach it, instead of saying do not do it. This is because gloating in the lust, nudeness, sexual pictures, and shows, are all means of pulling Man and Woman to fornication, and then to adultery. Adultery may open many new roads of evil to Man. It will spoil Man's self-respect, or his respect for others. It will shake and sometimes destruct, the bases and pillars of the family life; and if it become prevalent and common in a community, no father will feel any responsibility for any child, because he cannot make sure that he is the real father of the child!

      Experiences have proved that fornication is the easiest way of transferring dangerous sexual diseases, such as; GONORRHOEA, SYPHLIS, and AIDS.

3- The third commandment is to respect the blood of Man, and to avoid taking the life of others without a rightful and just cause. In the verse S5:35 after narrating the story of Cane who killed his brother Abel; Allah has decreed:ِ

      ``.... On that account; We ordained for the children of Israel that; if anyone slew a person, unless it be for murder, or spreading corruption in the land; it would be as if he slew the whole population (all people). And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he has saved the life of the whole people.''

      As a matter of fact, killing a person merely for keeping an idea, is to kill all the people who uphold that belief. Then there comes the matter of retaliation, the authority for which is in the hand of the deceased's heir. But he should not go to excess and extremes:ِ

      ``And he who is killed unjustly, we have given his heir the authority for retaliation, but he should not exceed.''

      The heir is given the right to demand the life of his murdered, through the law of retaliation, and why should he exceed and go out of bound, when he is supported by the law!?

4- The next verse (NO.34) applies to the importance of protecting the properties of the orphans:ِ


      ``And do not approach the properties of the orphans unless....''

      Eating the orphan's property is to eat fire, and is spiritually very dangerous. If it should be approached at all, it should make it the best, or the better. Hard precautionary measures must be taken until the orphan is matured, and attains the full age of understanding.

5- The next commandment is to observe promises, which is no less important than the other commandments:ِ

      ``And be faithful to your promises, because the promises will be questioned.''

      Most of the social, economical, and political affairs of Man turn about the pivot of promises and pledges. A promise is a declaration which gives to the person to whom it is made a right, to expect, and claim the performance of the promised act. In other word, as the Qurän has said; ``The promises will be questioned.''

      Many a time the promise might be supported by oath, or affirmed by its form of expression. In any way, the promise is Man's word of faith. Nice a verse has William Shakespeare in this respect:ِ

      ``I will take thy word for faith, not ask thine oath;

      Who shuns not to break one, will sure crack boath.''

6- And the last and sixth of these commandments, is to observe measure, and to use scale and balance justly. Giving right and correct measure, and observing justice in the weight will ultimately give the best of spiritual and material advantages to the person who gives it. For example; when the customers see that a shopkeeper is righteous in giving the rights of people, when he weigh or measures something, it serves to increase the trust of the customers, and will make up the seller's good salesmanship.

      Qurän has frequently attacked the use of short weight and dealing with fraud, or giving too little and taking too much. In S 83:1ِ4 we read:ِ

      ``Woe unto the stinter who deals in fraud! When they measure something to take it from people, they take full measure; but when they have to give by measure or scale to men, they give less than due! Do they not think that they will be called to account, on a day in which Man has to stand before the Lord of the worlds.''





Verses 31-35Verses 36-40