
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 03)
Verses 26-44Verses 45-50

      Here the creation of Man is explained with some more detail. ``We created Man of a clay of slime.'' And the Jinns that among whom is the respited IBLIS or SATAN, were created from a hot fire. God has breathed of His own spirit in Man, and for that sacred essence, has ordered the angels to admit Man's superiority and prostrate themselves for him! All the angels have obeyed the order, except IBLIS who was a Jinn in the race, but an angel in the rank. He refused to prostrate himself for thinking that fire is superior to earth, and therefore he to Adam. So Allah cursed him for his refusal, and deposed him from his rank for his pride and vanity. When so, IBLIS asked for s respite up to the Resurrection Day. He was granted the respite, but not for that long length of time he had asked for. When he was sure that he would not die so soon, he swore to seduce Man as far as possible.

      The Arabic, ``SALSÄL'' means clay or dry mud, usually used in pottery. It is earth in general, as representing the elementary particles of the human body.


      We also ought to know that IBLIS or SATAN was in the position of an angel, though he was a Jinn; due to his long record of service and worship. (S 18:49) His arrogance and pride puffed him up, and caused him to rebel and renounce the authority of his Merciful Creator; and so he lost all his rank and dignity within a couple of hours! This is what pride will do to any soul, and not only to that of Satan. In Man's history too, there are many examples, that pride and haughtiness has ruined down, and collapsed many a man in great power! They drowned their people in blood and soil, by their arrogance and vain pride; and themselves too, collapsed with others!

      Another point to consider in relation to the above group of verses, is that; the importance of Man is not for his shape and body, but it is for the breathing of God's spirit into the body of man. This holy spirit has given him the superiority over other creatures, even the angels. This was what IBLIS ignored, or perhaps did not see it at all, and therefore he arrogantly said to Allah:ِ

      ``You made man out of clay and me of fire. I am better than him!'' Vanity, pride, and jealousy! Even so, the poor banished Jinn, had no reason that the fire is nobler and better than the earth; and could not justify his superiority at all.

      He asked God for a respite, with the intention of proving his superiority over man by enmity and fight. To prove his knowledge is more than that of man through seduction and deception, fraud and doubleِdealing. The respite that was granted him was not what he wanted and up to the Resurrection Day. He was only respited for a period of man's probation upon earth. Even his respite and all his endeavour will not do what he aims at! This is because Satanic Temptations have no effect on sincere believers who have put their trust upon God in purifying themselves from the stains of evil.

      Satan arrogantly said to Allah; ``Be-mä-Aghvaitiani=for putting me in the wrong!'' This was while he was led astray by his own pride, arrogance, and ignorance; and yet he attributed that calamity to Allah! On the contrary, Adam and Eve were seduced by Satan who swore to be their well wisher. But they knew that they owned a free-will and a power of choice. So they attributed their sin to themselves saying:ِ

      ``Our Lord! We have oppressed ourselves! So if You forgive us not, and have not your Mercy upon us, we shall indeed be lost.'' (S 7:23)

      Therefore, IBLIS was cursed and damned for his pride and disobeying his Lord, and he was deprived of God's Grace and Mercy; Where Adam and Eve were forgiven and returned to their former high position.




Verses 26-44Verses 45-50