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Success in hardshipsHow to enjoin the sinners to piety?

The responsibility of Messengership and the safe keeping of the divine revelations is a very important and full of perils. Its purpose is to educate, nurture and cleanse the human soul and also to save mankind from injustice and remorse. This cannot be achieved by merely relying on the intellect and information for it needs a high degree of piety which is the base of all chastity and without which the goals of Messengership cannot be achieved.

It is also true that chastity means not only to save oneself from all kinds of sins and misdemeanors for it has another branch which is of no less importance and that is to save oneself from all manner of errors, doubts ands denials. It is also no secret that the mission of the apostles depend on this as prescribed by God.

There are other branches too like saving oneself from the greater and lesser sins

In the days when they had not been ordained as prophets, as in the days after it they had to avoid the misappropriation of the revelations.

Just as chastity is necessary to save one from sins it is also necessary to receive the revelations and to impart them and it should be also in practice for the application of religious tenets and the divine laws. It is also needed for refrain from worldly and personal wrongful deeds. The question that arises here is “Does the chastity or purity of the apostles depend on only these two things? What is the proof for this supposition? What will be the argument for it if there is incompatibility or dispute between them?

The answer to these questions will be given in the full context through the verses of the Qura’n with intellectual proof and will be thoroughly reflected upon. Keeping this in mind we turn to the Qura’n and study the following verses sincerely.

 01. Verse 124 of Surah Baqarah:

“And remember when Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commandments which he fulfilled. He said, “Verily I shall make you an Imam over mankind. (Abraham) said: “And my progeny?” God said, “My covenant will not include the unjust.”

O2. Verse 7 of “Surah Hashr:

“Take whatever the Messenger gives to you and refrain from whatever he forbids you and fear God for verily He is severe in punishment.”

 03. Verse 80 of Surah Nisaa:

“He who obeys the Messenger has indeed obeyed God, but he who turns away, and then We have not as a guard over them.”

 04. Verse 65 of Surah Nisaa:

“But no, by your Lord, they can not believe, until they make you the judge in all the disputes among them and do not resist your decisions accepting them fully.”

 05. Verse 21 of Surah Ahzab:

“Indeed there is for you in the Messenger of God an excellent example of conduct for him who places his hope in God and the Final Day and remembers God too much.”

06. Verse 33 of Surah Ahzab:

“Indeed God intends to keep away every kind of abomination from you O people of the Prophet’s household and purify you with a perfect purification.”

07. Verses 82-83 of Surah Saad:

“He said, “Then by your might I will certainly misguide them all except your chosen servants among them who are sincere.”

08. Verses 45 to 47 of Surah Saad:

“And remember Our servants, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob who were men of strength and insight; verily We freed them (from sins) with a distinction of remembrance of the (eternal) abode. Verily they are with us among the chosen and good ones.”

09. Verse 90 of Surah Anam:

“They are the one whom God has guided, therefore, follow their guidance.”

10. Verses 3-4 of Surah Najm:

“He does not speak of his own inclination; it is only an inspired revelation.”


Success in hardshipsHow to enjoin the sinners to piety?