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Revelation according to the ancient and modern philosophersCriticism and Analysis

This view is open to criticism because of certain points.

If the “10th Wisdom” is based on the 9 spheres of heaven described then one will be invalidated and the second will have no proof about it. It is therefore, impossible to base or levy such an assumption.

Secondly this assumption is beyond our purview and we know that such assumptions never lead to successful culmination. (It is like the blind assuming the presence of light and colors simply by his imaginations)

The Second View

Some modern philosophers have described the revelation as the result of the inner enlightenment.

Farid Wajdi writes in “Daerato Ma’arafil Qarnal Ashreen” that till the 16th century (CE) all the ancient philosophers believed in the reality of revelation because their religious books were full of about he ancient prophets. But when the modern thoughts took over with its des c r i p tion of the existing matter the modern philosophers rubbished the idea of revelations and when to the extent of denying God the creator also.

In the 19th century however, views about spirituality began to change and once again the issue of revelation began to be discussed. A group of scholars began to debate on it and on the basis of Kazmi. They reached to different conclusion though they did not follow the principles laid down by Islamic philosophers but his was a big step and that too about something which had been rubbished earlier.

Farid Wajdi further states: About 50 volumes have been written about the soul and its manifestation in which quite a few spiritual riddles have been solved and one of them is about revelation.(1)

We now present in short what the Ulema say about this though their views are subject to debate.

They have discovered and revealed that there is another wisdom or intelligence behind human intelligence and understanding which they termed as the “inner wisdom” or the “secret enlightenment. This they say is secreted behind the human intelligence and they have compared it to the iceberg of which 10% floats above the water while the rest is submerged.

They have considered the revelation to be the inner enlightenment and because of this the prophets are above the common people for they derive their strength from it. This is what the ancient philosophers have called “revelation”.

Some people have said, “Indeed the thoughts, knowledge and inclination of the prophets create revelations. This is because of their inner awareness, and inner enlightenment which are based on lofty ideas. This also affects their eyes and sight so that they are able to see the angels and hear them. (1)



1. See Daerato Ma’arefel Qoronel Eshreen on the Origin of revelation.


Revelation according to the ancient and modern philosophersCriticism and Analysis