D. Are the Miracles the deeds of God or the result of the inner capacity of the Prophets?


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E. The difference between miracles and exceptional eventsWhat is the connection between Miracles and Prophethood?

As we have said earlier the deeds that are the result of the exceptional talent or determination of a person or through his glory and pomp they are individual and limited. The same can be found in another such person but the miracles have no limited and their like cannot be found in anyone but the apostles of God.

Our discussion about miracles is that they come from God and the duty of the apostles is just to pray for them. Has God instilled such powers in them that they can perform abnormal deed with his permission?

There is no doubt that some miracles like the Qura’n comes only from God but here we are discussing the other miracles like the staff of Moses or the shining of his hand or the miracles of Jesus in which he cured people of incurable diseases and raised the dead.

The logical doubts about are acceptable. There is no question about the fact that he Miracles come from God and because of the prayers of the apostles for them.

It may also be that God has given such command and capacity to His apostles and it is not against Tawhid when all miracles are attributed to God only.

There seems to be contradictions in the literal meanings of the Qura’nic verses. God says that “It is God who gives life or death” but here it says that Jesus resurrected the dead. In verse 49 of Surah Al Imran God speaks about the creation of the birds:

“I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will make a bird out of clay and breathe into it, and it shall become a flying bird by God’s permission.”

So it is now evident that some miracles are manifest through the apostles by God’s permission. The other verses tell us that other miracles are the deeds of God and as we have said earlier both of them revert to God only. Both are not against the Tawhid or the oneness of God.  

Is the cure through medicine against the Tawhid?

Indeed the raising of the dead by an apostle or curing the sick by an apostle is not against the will of God. Some commentators have crossed the limits in trying to explain this.


E. The difference between miracles and exceptional eventsWhat is the connection between Miracles and Prophethood?