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IntroductionMiracles are the first proof of Prophethood

It should be noted that the Qura’n has not explained or described any miracle instead it has given us three basic terms like “Aayat”, “Baiyenato” and “Borhaan”. We should now study the following verses with all humility for their meaning.

1. Verses 106 to 108 of Surah A’raf that say:

“He (the Pharaoh) said: “If you have come with a sign then show it if you are truthful.”

2. Verse 49 of Al Imran that says:

“And will make him (Jesus) a messenger for the children of Israel (to declare): “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I will make a bird out of clay and breathe into it, and it shall become a flying bird by God’s permission, and I shall heal those born blind and the leper and will raise the dead to life by God’s permission, and I will declare to you what you eat and what you store in your houses. In this will be a sign for you if you are believers”

3. Verse s 132-133 of Surah A’raf that say:

“Whatever sign you bring to enchant us, we will not believe in you.” So we sent widespread calamities on them, the locusts and the lice, the frogs and the blood, yet they still behaved arrogantly, and so they became guilty.”

 4. Verse 73 of Surah A’raf that says:

“And to Thamud We sent their brother Saleh; He said, “O people worship God! You have no other God but Him. Indeed there has come to you a clear sign from your Lord, This she-camel is sign for you so let her graze on God’s earth, and do not harm her, lest a painful punishment may seize you.”

5. Verse 28 of Surah Huod that says:

“He (Noah) said: “O people! Do you think that if I have with me a clear sign from my Lord and that He has bestowed His mercy on me though it is obscured for you ( do you deny my invitation a second time) Shall We compel you to accept it even though you are averse to it?”

6. Verses 31` And 32 of Surah Qassas that say:

“Cast your staff! Haven seen it but he turned in flight when he saw it moving and did not look back. (God said) “O Moses come back and do not fear for you are safe.” 32. “ Put you hand in you pocket and it shall come out shining without a blemish, and draw your hand close to your side to be free from fear; these are the signs from the Lord to the Pharaoh and his people; and they are disobedient.”

7. Verse 88 of Surah Isra that says:

“If men and Jinns come together to bring the like of this Qura’n they will not be able to do so even if some of them were to help the others.”


IntroductionMiracles are the first proof of Prophethood