What the Qura’n says about these two methods


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The nature of the person accused of this crimeThe Testimony of the Previous Prophets

Indeed the Qura’nic verses describe both these methods beautifully.

1. There are very detailed explanations about these two methods. In verse 157 of Surah A’raf we read:

“ Those who follow the Messenger, the untutored prophet whose named they find mentioned in the Torah and the Evangel who bids them to do what is right and forbids them from what is wrong, makes lawful for them all god things and forbids all evil for them and relieves them of their burdens and the shackles that were upon them. Those who believe in him honor him and help him and follow the light that has been sent down with him and they are the successful ones.”

This verse is an irrefutable proof and it speaks about the testimony of the previous apostles and also certifies the teachings of our Messenger. It also speaks about his attributes which are proofs of his truthfulness.

It is true that the false prophet aim to reduce the strength of the Ummah and to ask something for themselves. They never support the idea asking men to do goodness and restrain from evil.

Does the mind accept the idea that these lofty ideas, commandments, laws and the moral teachings and deeds can emanate from within a person who is illiterate?

 2. Five attributes have been mentioned that are proof of his truthfulness. Verse 128 of Surah Tauba says:

” Surely there has come to you an apostle from amongst yourselves. Your distress grieves him; he has deep concerns for you and is very kind and merciful to the faithful”.

3. There is a tacit proof in verse 6 of Surah Kahf about his guidance to the believers and proves that his religion is the religion of God.

“Perhaps you would kill yourself in grief if they do not believe. They do not believe in this narration (Qura’n)” (1)

4. It has been said that the Holy Prophet was uneducated and this does not lead to any doubt about his prophethood. Verse 48 of Surah Ankabut says:

“Neither did you read any book before this nor did you write any book (whatsoever) with your right hand. Had it been so then the followers of falsehood may have doubted.”

 5. The verse then points to Mubashshirin and the Momineen. Verse 49 of Surah Ankabut says:

“No! It is the clear sign manifest in the hearts of those who have been endowed with knowledge and none disputes our signs except the unjust ones.”

There is no doubt that the insistence of the Ulema and the thinkers on any thing is the proof of its truth and method.

6. Then there are verses in which we read the capacity of the Messenger and the other prophets. They never asked for any remuneration and never thought about material benefits and they remained resolute on their oath. The claim of the false prophets on the other hand is only for material benefits. Verse 21 of Surah Yasin says:

“Follow those who do not ask you for any reward for they are rightly guided.”

(It is about the signs of righteousness and purity that are manifest on them)

 We find in may Qura’nic verses that oppressed and weak were the first to believe in the prophets while the rich taunted them because of their vanity. And so we read that when the rich came to the Messenger the Qura’n enjoined him to keep a distance from their evil doings. Verses 28 and 29 of Surah Kahf say:

“ Be patient together with those who beseech their Lord morning and evening, seeking to please Him, and do not let your eyes turn away from them, desiring the pomp and glitter of this worldly life; and do not obey the one whose heart We have made heedless of our remembrance; he who follows his own lust And his case is transgressing all limit.” Do 29

It is true that the material benefits expose the claimants to be false for they bow down before the wealth of the rich and pay attention to the world only. We see in some verses that the people of the rich class looked down upon the poor believers. These rich people have been termed as Al Arazel.

A deep scrutiny of the verses of the Qura’n reveals this proof about our Messenger and the prophets of yore.



1. The same meaning is found in verse 3 of Surah Shuara


The nature of the person accused of this crimeThe Testimony of the Previous Prophets