Freedom of mankind


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The establishment of balance and justiceFreedom from Darkness

The fifth verse speaks about salvation and it is said:

“Those who follow the unlettered Messenger/prophet, whose name they find written in the Torah and the Evangel, he enjoins them to goodness and forbids evil, he makes all good things lawful for them and he prohibits the bad ones; and he removed from them their burden and yokes; so those who believe in him honor and support him and follow the light sent down with him. They are the truly successful ones.”

The Holy Qura’n has mentioned a few attributes to prove the truthfulness of the Messenger’s ministry.

The first is his being “Ummi” or unlettered. Was it possible for some to present a book or knowledge though he had never been to any education classes?

Secondly, the witness given by the earlier prophets.

Thirdly, the presence of intellect and knowledge to enjoin people to goodness and to stop them from evil; to attract them to goodness and to make them forget falsehood that includes frivolities of the ignorant and Materialism.

Fourthly, is the projection of the freedom of mankind and saving it from all evil, when the materialist rulers enforced limitations and restrictions in the name of freedom and enticed the people to evil ways. There was and is no school of thought that enjoins the people with sincerity and saves them from the evil forces except the schools of the apostles of God.

The proof is the binding through the Kalima. Raghib in his Mafuradat and others in their commentary have taken it to be a very severe incarceration and have taken the covenant, the burden of sins, the rope that is used to raise the tents etc to be included in it. This in short means the burden of different kinds of incarcerations. (1)

The word “Al aghlal” is the plural of “ghal” which derived from “ghalal” which means some thing happening gradually like the flowing of water between the trees. It is also used to denote the embracing of the neck, hands or legs at one moment and is used for everything.

The Qura’n has often used it to denote the yoke in the neck and the term

“Anhum ‘israhumwal-aglaalatii kaanat alay-him” is used in this instance.

So the commentators have taken the words “Asr” and “Aglaal” to mean the great hardships that God imposed on the Jews. Indeed the Messenger has lifted this burden and yoke of those commandments and they are not binding.

The verse has a very vast meaning that includes all manner of limitations and responsibilities and it includes the worship of the idols, frivolities following of the evil ways. There are limitations about ignorance and rituals and even wrongful laws.

The Messenger has used the laws that the apostles of yore had adhered to and it includes the freedom of mankind. He has given us the freedom from the temptations of our egos, personal evils, wrongful possession, tyrants, different devils, whims and the worship of anyone other than God.

It is indeed certain that safety from the evil forces is freedom and this can be evinced today also.

These restriction, yokes and burdens of the past are present today also in different forms and in which people fall prey to moral turpitude, ill use of force. Protection from these powerful but evil people itself is freedom.

We can conclude that one of the important purpose and aim of an Apostle’s ministry is to free mankind from such unlawful burdens and restrictions.



1. Mafuradat of Raghib, Maqayis-ol-Loghat and At-Tahqiqol Qura’n.


The establishment of balance and justiceFreedom from Darkness