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Remembrance: (Important and permanent intellectually)The invitation to a pure life for mankind

Man learns many things from the reality of the universe and then decides what is important for him and what is not. Sometimes these intellectual realizations are subjected to doubts specially those relating to sophism and the inability to differentiate between the good and the bad. These point mainly to those are permanently imbedded in the minds and those that are subject to ideas.

The beneficence of God becomes imperative at this juncture and facilitates the arrival of the representatives of God. Their self respect helps in the enjoining the people towards God and their discourses contain the revelations of God. They stand are the refuters or the proof against all doubts that are discerned intellectually.

They have been described as “reminders” and even “remembrance” in the Qura’n as in the 10th verse that says:

“This is a clear Message for mankind so that they may be warned and that they know that He is the One God and that men of understanding may take heed.”

The word “zikr’ has been used at least in 70 different instances in the Qura’n but it has been used in six places to denote that the Messenger was asked to remind or initiate a practice of remembrance of the commandments. The word “yattazzakur” has been used in 8 places and “tazzakaruun” has been used 17 times. This repetition is to emphasize that mankind should be reminded often to restrain from sins and do good deeds. This was one of the main teachings of the Apostles of God.

Some linguists have opined that the word “zikr” does not mean knowledge and enlightenment but just the repetition of something. Raghib has explained the difference between “zikr” and “Hifz’ in Mafuradat. “ Hifz” he says means to collect or gather or to protect and “zikr” means the yearning for the revelation of something. He then adds that “zikr” is of two kinds. One is the remembrance of things that are forgotten and the “zikr” of that which is not forgotten by protecting it. So we learn the word means to remember things of the past whether they have been forgotten or still remembered. The word has two des c r i p tions in Muata’bieen Al- loghat; one is that it speaks of something masculine opposite to the feminine.

This may be telling us that this comparison refers to the significance

Of the things realized by man intellectually like what is important and what is not or what is goodness and what is injustice. But sometimes doubts arise due to the temptations injected by Satan. It is then that the apostles are set-to help mankind, to confirm the truth and to eradicate the doubt instilled by the evil ones. It is done to keep the divine commandments alive in their minds.

Some philosophers like Plato consider the human knowledge to be a kind of remembrance. They believe that the human soul understands all the reality before entering this world but the screens here make them forget(1) This is why knowledge cannot be taught excepting through the apostles or experience or through wise and experienced teachers and not without reminders.

It is an established fact that the non-evidence of proof is one of the reasons for remembrance and the truth is that all these lofty things that evinced, are related to human knowledge.

This is mostly repeated because of forgetfulness or because of those doubts that act as hurdles. The emphasis then becomes more for the arrival of the apostles because of the modern and latest problems of mankind and to free mankind from them. It is evident from this verse that the apostle’s primary duties are to enjoin the people towards God, to present the conclusive argument in His favor and against evil, giving glad tidings and warnings, and teaching and reminding the people. This has been clearly stated in the previous verses.



1. For more information see Plato’s “search for Wisdom in Europe” vol. 23.


Remembrance: (Important and permanent intellectually)The invitation to a pure life for mankind