The Proof of Reliability


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Conclusion2. The opposition to the purpose and the non-confirmation of the aim of the Mission

It should be understood that the purpose of the Mission of the apostles is the guidance of man according to the teachings of God. There is no scope for any doubts in this. People rely on their sayings and deeds. They believe their words as they believe the words of God. They believe their teachings as they accept the teachings of God. So much so that they accept them with the core of their hearts, bow to them in reverence and obedience.

So doubting their words to be lies, or denying the truth, look for the presence of mistakes and doubts in their words, and not considering them to be infallible destroys the trust of the people (even if they are truthful)that is reposed in them.

If we do not consider them to be infallible then it means that they do not have the attributes (Knowledge, truthfulness, awareness and piety) mentioned earlier.

This doubt ( about the absence of infallibility) puts us in an intellectual problem about always obeying and following them and this is the base of all doubts and will raise the issue that “ finality of God’s argument” ( through them) is incomplete. If the opposition gets hold of the doubt that the finality of God’s argument is incomplete and eternal then it will be regarded as useless to follow them and this is because the teachings of the apostle may contain mistakes and be defective.

In Short: the primary objective of the apostleship is to gain the reliability and support of those who seek the truth and this ca not be done till they deny and rise above sins, and mistakes. We can say that normally people follow those Ulema who are pious, and seek the commandments of religion from those who can be relied upon together with them being full of chastity and wisdom.

But we should also note that the actual religion is separate from these attributes or branches. It is possible that wariness and doubts may be present before the actual preaching but there should be no doubts about the healthiness of the revelations. Yes there may be doubts of the tenets of religion and its explanatory components but it will have no effect on the belief itself. This tells us that the apostles cannot make a mistake about the revelation and its propagation but they may commit oversight in other spheres of life and this will mean that the apostles are infallible as far as religious matters are concerned.

But a question arises here that if mistakes and sins are permissible for any person in the other spheres of life like falsehood, accusations, drinking wine, gambling, and social evils then how is it possible that he will not sins? It is impossible for such a person (even though he is not but even if he is) to attain the trust of the people.

People will ask, “How can this sinner, oppressor and disbeliever be trusted?” This is because even if we separate religion from the worldly affair such a person cannot gain the confidence and trust of the people.

How can we consider a person who sins in his daily to be infallible in matters of religion and the receiving of the revelations? People will say that when this person commits mistakes in the worldly affairs then he will do so with the revelations and he will always be regarded circumspect.

In Short. The general Muslims believe that the apostles of God ca commit mistakes in the minor affairs of religion but he who does commits such mistakes and sins can not be taken as trustworthy in the propagation of the revelations. (Reflect Deeply)


Conclusion2. The opposition to the purpose and the non-confirmation of the aim of the Mission