6. Other Proof


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A Fallible person is not capable to receive God’s revelationsDifferent Questions

The senior Ulema have given collateral explanations about their infallibility. Some have already been discussed and some are mentioned as follows:

 If an apostle sins then two opposite things or Infallibility and sin which are opposites will come to pass.

On the one side he will be obedient to every command but on the other side will oppose them when he sins and we know that these two things cannot be present

together at any one time.

2. The witness of the apostle will be rejected if he sins because the witness of sinner is not acceptable. So how can such an apostle be witness of God’s revelation in this world and deeds of men in the hereafter?

3. The status of the apostle will be lower than that of his people if he sins. The station of apostleship is definitely very high. So if they sins and oppose the laws prescribed by God just for their lust and greed then they will sinner worse then the sinners among their people. This cannot be done by a sane, intelligent and chaste person.

If they ask the people to abstain from sins and evil and do not do so they then they will as described in verse 44 of Surah Baqarah that says:

“Do you enjoin righteousness for the people while forgetting yourself even while you read the s c r i p ture? Do you not understand?”

5. An apostle will be regarded as an unjust person if he sins (One who oppresses others or sins against himself) and then he will be liable to be cursed as done in verse 18 of Surah Huod that says:

“The curse of God is on the unjust (Zaalimin).

6. The Qura’n clearly states that Satan has vowed to misguide every human being except those who are sincere and pious as in verses 82 and 83 of Surah Saad say:

“By your might I will surely mislead them, except your chosen servants among them.”

So if an apostle sins then he will be put in the ranks of the followers of Satan

even though he may come from the rank of the sincere and chaste people.

These are the six irrefutable proofs which refer to the previous arguments but they are mere branches about it.

A Fallible person is not capable to receive God’s revelationsDifferent Questions