Revelation according to the ancient and modern philosophers


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Most ancient and modern philosophers have opined that a revelation is the special contact of the prophets with the extra0ordinary elements of the universe. Our world is a very limited one and not vast. It seems something else to us and we accept it without ascertaining its composition. These people tried to ascertain the reality of the revelation but ended up contradicting each other.

We now present two view points or methods of the modern and ancient philosophers regarding the reality and doubts about a revelation.

The First View

The ancient philosophers believe that a revelation is really the contact of man with ever active doer.

The Assertion:

They believe in the 9 heavenly sphere described by Bartholomew and the incorporeal beings are connected with each such sphere (they are like the souls attached to our bodies) They believe that these incorporeal beings attain inspirations or revelations that are called “Aqol” or wisdom or knowledge and they are called “Tisa’ Uquul” nine kinds of knowledge or wisdom because of the nine heavenly spheres. The revelation is thus termed “Al Aqlul A’shir” the tenth kind of wisdom or “AlAqlul Fa’al” because it is the original source of wisdom and knowledge.

They believe it necessary that he active doer should control the human soul so that they can understand the realities and can increase their knowledge in the active sense.

They believe in the link between human souls and the active doer for it is the center of all knowledge. They assume from these presumptions that the souls of the apostles are attached with the “active doer” and it is because of this great power that they have control over events. They are also able to acquire knowledge from the active doer and since they are intelligent they are able to understand the forms that obey the Supreme Intelligence. They are therefore able to understand the forms attached to the active doer that they sense in their minds. This is why they are able to understand all kinds of forms. If all the reality, meanings, is manifest in the form of commandments they can be heard in proper lingual form. If they are on the lips of a wise person then these words are beautifully eloquent. This can only be possible because of intellectual prowess supported by their powers of sense. (The sense that discerns all objects around it) It is possible that the forms that are sensed strengthen the forms already envisaged by the mind. It is also possible that he prophet is able to see a being that is similar to his perception and to hear its voice. (Reflect Deeply)

