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The Intellectual Proof of the Chastity or Infallibility of the ApostlesThe Proof of Reliability

The reason or the power to defend against sins comes from the knowledge of abstinence and attachment to the unseen and unknown knowledge. It confirms their aloofness and defense from all kinds of sins.

There is a short hadith from Amirul Muminin which proves this absolutely. He said, “Wisdom is connected to Chastity and infallibility.”(1)

There is a hadith from Imam Reza in which he says:

“Infallible is the person who is safeguarded from all kinds of sins by God.” And God has said: “Whoever holds firmly to God will be shown a way that is straight” (2)

This hadith may be referring to the second meaning or may include both. This meaning can be found in plenty in the hadith from Hisham bin Hakam. Ibn Abi Omair who is regarded as a senior companion of Imam Sadiq, has said: I have never heard a better des c r i p tion of the infallibility of the Imams that the one from Hisham bin Hakam after a lengthy discourse when I asked him if the Imam is pure and infallible. He answered, “Yes’ I asked, “What is the des c r i p tion of infallibility and how can it be recognized?” He said, “There are four reasons for all the sins and not five and they are, craving, jealousy, usurping and carnal waywardness and these are not found in an Imam”

 He further said:

“It is not lawful for an Imam to lust for the world for it is finite and will come to an end. An Imam is the topmost leader of the Muslims so what will he lust about?

It is not permissible for him to be jealous because a man is jealous of one who is better than him and there is no one better than an Imam. So who will he be jealous about? It is not permissible and lawful for him to confiscate anything worldly but his anger is always for God. It is not lawful for him to follow his carnal desires and to give precedence to this world over the hereafter.

This is because god has declared the hereafter to be endearing to them just as the world is for us. He looks for the hereafter the way we look towards this world. Have you seen a person who forgoes something good for something bad or leaves the good food to eat the bad one, take bad clothes instead of good ones, and choose the finite bounties in place of the infinite and never ending grace of God?(3)

 Even though Hisham Ibn Hakam has not attributed these things to the Imams of the Ahlul bait but has pointed out that he was the follower of Imam Sadiq and has explained it by saying, “whatever I have is what I have received from Imam Sadiq” It is evident that he has taken this finer point from Imam Sadiq. It can also be construed as an intellectual proof (from Imam Sadiq) about the infallibility and wisdom of the apostles and Imams.



1. Ghararal Hakam
2. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.5 page 194 hadith 6 and verse 101 of Surah Al Imran.
3. Behar-ol-Anwar vol.25 page 192 hadith 1


The Intellectual Proof of the Chastity or Infallibility of the ApostlesThe Proof of Reliability