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AdamA Question

There are two kinds of sins and errors. One is intentional and the other is unintentional. The first are the sins committed by man intentionally and he can not be exempted like usurping the wealth of others, injustices, adultery and lying etc. The mistake of an apostle which has been committed unknowingly and though it is nothing praise worthy but it cannot be taken as defect. It is like some one performing or not performing the optional prayers.

It is like a scholar doing something good like establishing a school, or a hospital for they are not compulsory on him and not doing is not a sin though it is below the status for a scholar who has the means to do so. If he does it then it is a great performance and sacrifice but if he does not have the capacity or capability then even it is taken as a defect. In the same way if an apostle does not perform according to his status then it is counted as a mistake or sin because though it is not compulsory but not doing it does not behoove his position. So the praying of a person without due fervor is no defect but it is a sin for the apostle.

All those deeds that are taken as sins for the apostles whether it be Adam of t he Last Messenger will studied in the verses and the hadiths and it is possible that the meaning can be discerned from them.

Sometimes it is taken as “Tarki Aula” or unintentional error and it means those deeds forgoing which is better than doing them. They may be connected with abominations and permissible and even optional i.e. doing something may be good and acceptable but forgoing it to help a believer is praiseworthy. (As we will find in the hadith). It is like some one foregoing the circumambulation of the Ka’aba to help a person in distress.

But if a person does not help the believer in distress but continues to circumambulate the Ka’aba then he has done something unworthy of him instead of something better. But this is not done by the apostles and saints. Some people mistakenly believe that an unpraiseworthy deed is always connected to abominations but is just an ordinary oversight.

It may be a better interpretation that we call it an oversight but for an apostle it is regarded as something unworthy and unbecoming.

The infallible ones are connected with the foregoing of optional deeds and this is found in the Islamic traditions. One such hadith about the optional prayers is quoted from Imam Baqir in which he says:

“Indeed it is obedience and not a duty. He who neglects a duty is an unbeliever but he who some times is non-obedient cannot be called a disbeliever but it may be a sin. The word “asiyan” means to break the bonds of obedience as has been described by Raghib in Mafuradat (2) (but this obedience should not be about prescribed duties or optional deeds.)



1. Behar-ol-Anwar vol. 11 page 73.


AdamA Question