What is the connection between Miracles and Prophethood?


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D. Are the Miracles the deeds of God or the result of the inner capacity of the Prophets? 3. The contradictions between the miracles and the apostles

There is a doubt among the Ulema about the proof of the miracles shown by the claimants to prophethood. How can we accept that the tenets and the commandments they have presented are the revelations from God?

Some people have said that the proof of miracles is also an intellectual proof but most prefer this proof to have been created.

Sometimes people presume that showing the miracles is not a proof of a person’s claim to prophethood and there is nothing against a miracle being manifest through any ordinary person. If a person is a very god tailor does it prove that he is also a very learned man?

There is one point that the scholars have overlooked and that is the deeds which are abnormal or extraordinary and done by the great Ulema are not considered to be miracles though they are something above human capacity or we can say that they are approved and consented by God.

Is it possible that God permits the false claimants to prophethood to perform deeds that are extra-ordinary for misleading the people? Is this compatible with the wisdom of God? It is like someone claiming that “I represent this or that person to you.” and proves this by showing the ring that he has in his finger which originally belong to the person he claims to represent. There is no doubt that this will accepted as the proof of his claim until such time that the original person says something otherwise. This is what has been said in verses 44 to 46 in Surah Haaqa:

“And if he (The Messenger) had forged a false claim about us we would have surely seized him by his right hand.”

This tells us about the Messenger having the authority over such miracles. Had he reneged from the truth and gone against God then he would have been killed without wasting a single moment.

It is true that their have been false prophets and most were not killed and God did not kill any such false prophet because of his lies. This also proves that those who were given the miracles by God would have been instantly slain had they gone against Him without a moments reprieve because they would mislead the people through their ignorance.

The second answer to this question is that those prophets who claim to be messengers of God are appointed through a revelation and it continues to guide them or it would be done through the angels. It is something Para- normal or extra ordinary and is above the comprehension of the common human being. There is definitely an instilling of extra ordinary powers within the apostles of God.

The opponents doubt the apostle, “How can you have the capacity to do extra-ordinary deeds when you are a human like us?” This is why they make such miracles to prove that they are different from others. (1)



1. Tafsir Al Mizan vol.1 page 86 for explanation of Surah Baqarah verse 37. (In short)


D. Are the Miracles the deeds of God or the result of the inner capacity of the Prophets? 3. The contradictions between the miracles and the apostles