
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 04)
Verses 61-64Verses 65-70

      Following the argument about a group of people whose only aim is to hunt power and wealth, and who prefer blasphemy to faith, and polytheism to monotheism, now, a brief reference is made to a second group of people:-

      ``Is then he whom We have promised a good promise, and he will certainly have it fulfilled, like him to whom We have given some provisions of this lower life; then he will be summoned for Judgement?''

      The two classes which are contrary to each, are compared here.

Those who believe in the promise of God, such as the Resurrection Dayِthe Final Judgementِthe rewards for bad and good deeds, and eventually the Hell and Paradise; and that each soul must answer for itself. They will do their best in this life to reach the fulfilment of that promise.

      Without any doubt, each wakeful conscience will prefer the promise of Allah, and His everlasting bounties and Grace over the fleeting goods of this transient material world.

      The second group of people are those who find their happiness and prosperity in the material goods of this world, which is nothing when compared to that of the spiritual, and the bounties of God in the Hereafter. This class of people usually forget or ignore their Gracious God, and worship wealth and power, or imaginary gods and fetishes. They live an evil life, for which they will have to answer at last.

      Then the next verse (NO.62) consists of a reproaching question, which is asked in that dreadful day of judgement:-

      ``Where are my partners now?'' God will ask the polytheists. And the second group of people who worshipped their lusts and caprices, who lived an evil life. And deified some weak men like themselves, and worshipped as God, they will have to answer the above question. After a hopeless pause, they decide to put the blame upon the shoulder of those who associated them with the Only true One God; but before they have time to commence, their leaders and false gods, will take the lead:-

      ``Those deities who deserve the word of punishment to fall against them, will say:- ``Our Lord! Here are they whom we misled. We misled them as we ourselves were misled. We estrange to you. It was not we that they worshipped.''

      In other word, the false gods will say:- ``We ourselves were wrong and they followed our example deliberately, because our methodical way suited them.''

      Satan too, will say the same thing in the Day of Judgement to his followers. He will disown the responsibility for those whom he leads astray. Satan's word in this regard has been cited in the Holy Qurän in S 14:22 where he says:-

      ``When the matter is judged and God's decree is issued, Satan will say:- ``Allah promised you a promise of truth, and I promised you too, but I failed you my promise, and I had no power over you. I just called you and you answered me. Therefore do not you blame me and blame yourselves. I am not your rescuers, neither you can be my rescuers.''

      At last, it will be said to the worshippers of false gods; ``call your partners that you associated them with God, that they may help you.''

      They will call them for help, but they will not receive any answer at all. As if their gods are all dumb and deaf.

      This matter implies that false worship is the worship of self caprices and lusts, and it has nothing to do with the deities that they named to have worshipped.



Verses 61-64Verses 65-70