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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 04)
Verses 103-108Verses 109-110

      The above verses, and the others which will follow, up to the end of the chapter of the cave, are some sort of a conclusion, and the last summing up of the discourses in this chapter. It beings with introducing the greatest of losers, saying:ِ

      ``....They are those whose efforts in this world's life has been lost, and yet they think that they have done well.''

      The loss is not only to lose some material gain or money. The real loss is when someone loses his main capital. What a capital is more valuable than our knowledge and wisdom, than our natural faculties, and after all our life and youth, if we waste them and obtain nothing in exchange. When such powers in Man turn to be destructive, instead of being constructive, Man may lose whatever he has.

      Poor and helpless are those who boast on their work in this life, and on what they think they have sown of seeds, but when they come to harvest they find nothing, and see that even their seeds and capitals have all been lost; and find all their work of no avail! They at last come to know that no one's aid and protection is of any use except that of God, but too late now.

      They were going wrong, but they thought they were right and acquiring merits. This was because they did not do what they did, purely for God. There was hidden selfish motives in their service and worship, and even their charity was for outward show. Therefore, no weight can be given to the works and motives that are not sincerely for God.

      Unless we believe in God, and in His Final Judgement and know that our deeds are all recorded, we cannot open an account, or give a credit for our deeds. To disbelieve in God, and to take His signs and Messengers in mockery, will negate all the positive deeds of Man. How can we expect a good result of our deeds, when we do not take the higher life seriously and treat such an important tenet as a jest? How can we sow the seeds in a salty land and expect to reap sweet good fruit?

      A good example of those who are wrong and losers, and yet they think they do good and acquire merits are the monks, hermits, and anchorites. They retire from the world, and devote themselves to asceticism. They leave their society and live in solitude, and do not marry, for religious reasons they say! They make lawful things unlawful for themselves, while no Divine Religion, nor even a common sense, wants to prevent and even to blame Man for observing the laws of nature and creation.

      And so are the great losers those who replace Monotheism for Trinity, and truth with superstitions, and yet they think they observe God's true religious law.





Verses 103-108Verses 109-110