
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 04)
Verses 15-16Verses 17-19

      Now the reference is made to two more of the Israelite apostles, namely David and Solomon.

      The community in which they lived differed much of that, in which their previous apostles lived, and therefore they could manage to establish a very great kingdom, ruled by justice and truth.

      This proves that if the Divine leaders and the godly men, could establish a kingdom and rule by Divine Laws, the social affairs of Man would change a lot to his benefit.


      Solomon and David were both apostles of God and men of piety and virtues. God had bestowed on them wisdom and a very high physical and spiritual knowledge.

      Solomon could speak with the bird hoopoe, and understand the speech of ants. He had subdued the rebels, demons, and devils. He used his power and knowledge to extend the kingdom of Allah.

      Their enemies mightِhave ascribed their knowledge to sorcery and conquering the Jinnis and evil spirits, but according to the above verses and verses in the other chapters of Qurän, they themselves have always ascribed whatever they had of knowledge, wisdom, and power, to Allah Who is the Only source of all powers and knowledge:ِ

      ``And verily We gave David and Solomon a knowledge, and they said:ِ ``Praise belongs to Allah who excelled us above many of His believing servants.''

      Then the verses allude to some of the Graces of God that was bestowed on Solomon:ِ

      ``And Solomon became the inheritor of David and said:ِ ``O, People! We have been taught the language of bird and we have been given of everything that we may need; and this is indeed a manifest Grace from our Lord to us.''

      It is now proved a matter; that, all the creatures have some sort or some means of communication with the other creatures!

      Most of the creatures, and most probably all of them, do have some sort of a community and society like Man! Among them, that of the ants and the bees have been recently better known.

      We have wonderful informations about the intelligence of the creatures other than Man. Some of them are so skillful in building their nests, that we may say they excel Man in architecture! Some other have strange informations concerning their larvas, which are immature and often wormlike form, in which they hatch their eggs. Therein, they remain with increase in size and other minor changes until they assume the pupa stages. Verious kinds are known as caterpillar, grubs, maggots, and etc.

      Some creatures can foresee the air and climate condition with regards to temperature, wind velocity, rain, and etc., even several months before the happening.

      Animals are trained in our age to do extraordinary works which Man cannot.

      The ants and their civilization, the bees and their amazing social life, and the wonders of emigration among the birds, and the radar system of the bats, are all signs that may prove how deep and meaningful is the understanding and the intelligence of other creatures. So they might have some sort of a mysterious communication, that it had been taught to Solomon, the apostle of God.



Verses 15-16Verses 17-19