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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 04)
Verses 83-91Verses 92-98

      In these verses, another phase of the advent of Moses has been narrated in brief, which consists of many interesting and useful lessons. This was when Moses was invited by his Lord, for forty nights of a special duty; and eventually getting the Law and the commandments. But in his absence, a stranger hypocrite, famed as Samaritan made a gold image of a calf, and introduced it to Israelites as their god and the god of Moses. Samaritan supported his idea, by propounding the Bull-god, which was the symbol of OSIRIS who was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians.

      This incident has also been cited in this book of us, in volume one, page 78ِ79.

      Moses, in a fervent love for God, and in his most eager condition to visit his beloved Merciful Lord, went on the Mount Sinai in a haste. There Allah said to him:ِ

      ``O, Moses! What made you to come up here in such a haste and in advance of your people?''

      In answer to his beloved, Moses said:ِ

      ``They are coming after me, and I hastened my Lord to please you.'' But YAHOVAH informed his apostle thus:ِ

      ``The case is not so as you think! I have tested your people after you and in your absence, and they failed the trial, because Sämari led them astray.''

      Hearing that; Moses was inflamed with anger. He found all his endeavours throughout years of toil and trouble, to have been rendered ineffective. Polytheism and idolatry, in its worst shape had appeared to, and accepted by, his people! Now Satan had managed well to mislead the children of Israel.

      Moses returned to his people full of anger and sorrow. He shouted upon them saying:ِ

      ``Did your Lord not promise you a fair promise? Or did His promise take  God's promise was to guide and protect them, and to lead them to the promised land. On the other hand, their promise was to worship and serve Allah alone, and associate no partner with Him, and to obey his commandments, and to follow his Law.

      The Israelites did know that what a shameful act of perversion had they done, diverting to such that wrong end. So they began to create excuses saying:ِ

      ``We did not break our promise with you of our own volition. It was rather Sämaritan who did so and so, and finally fabricated the golden calf, and led us astray.''

      Of course, Sämaritan was responsible for making the golden calf and reminding and renewing the worship of the Bull-god (APIS), which was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians as the symbol of the king of deads (OSIRIS). But the Israelites too, could not think themselves free of responsibilities. At least they could apprehend that their new Bull-god could do them no harm, neither profit them aught. It even could not answer back to them a word of a question. This proves that how blind, and how foolish, the people must have been; who left the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Univers with all that clear signs and symptoms which they had seen, one after another, and then grasped an image of a calf, and took it for god!



Verses 83-91Verses 92-98