
صفحه کاربران ویژه - خروج
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Quran,Translation and Commentary in Brief (Vol. 04)
Verses 38-42Verses 43-49

      We are now on the ninth stage of the adventurous enterprises, and meanwhile the story is full of useful lessons to be learned if any one is willing.

      We know that when some important event happens against the interests of a veteran politician, an old trick is to create a new scenery, in order to focus the general attentions towards the new one, and pervert the minds from the old. This was the case with building a huge tower to deviate the attentions from Moses and his miraculous and wonderful God. So the construction of a tower began which was a building very abnormal.

      It seems to us that the construction of that great tower was after the clear victory of Moses over the sorcerers. When that wonderful victory of the Messenger of God became a general topic of conversation throughout Egypt, it gave a great shock to the foundation of Pharaoh's kingship and godship.

      Therefore in a meeting with his chieftains, he said:-

      ``As to the earth, no one should doubt that I am the greatests of rulers, and your only god that deserves your worship. As for the God of Moses who lives in the heavens, there are no reasons that he really exists! Although I think Moses to be of the liars, I still shall verify the matter. Hämän has to make me a tower, high enough to get some informations about the God of Moses, Whom he claims to be the Lord of the heaven and the earth.''

      So far, bricks were unknown to the Egyptians, and seems to have been the first time when building material made by molding clay into blocks, while moist was hardening them in the fire was going to be used in the construction of buildings.


      Some commentators like, Fakhr Razi, have doubted Pharaoh to have built the said tower or such that high building. They reason that Pharaoh and his people could have gone on the top a mountain, and see whatever they could see from the top of that tower.

      Such commentators have forgotten that Egypt is not a mountainous land, and they have ignored how arrogant and blown with pride Pharaoh was, and how simple mindeded and illiterate fools, his subjects were.

      Just have a look at the pride and vanity of Pharaoh, who was in fact nothing more than a weak mortal. He said to his chiefs and courtiers, and also to Moses and Aaron, that:-

      ``I am your god and your only god! So you all will have to worship me alone.''

      And Pharaoh said:- ``O, chiefs! I know not any god for you other than myself.''

      How ridiculous such an assertion can be, particularly when it is uttered by a mortal who might be slayed by a microbe. So also his next assertion or order will prove how foolish the king was, if he really was serious in what he said:-

      ``....So kindle me a fire, O, Hämän upon clay and build me a high tower, that I may be informed of the God of Moses, though I think him to be of the liars!''

      If not so, and he was not a fool himself, he was making fools of his followers, and subjects. If they were not fools, how dare of him to make them to worship him for their god, and to go upon a tower to see the Lord of heavens and earth.

      This has always been the creed of the tyrants and cruel dictators, to do their best to keep their followers unaware, and in a deep ignorance, so as to follow them blindly.

      Anyhow; some historians have narrated that; Hämän engaged more than fifty thousands of skilled and unskilled labourers in that construction business. He opened the doors of public purse, and spent a great amount of money for the tower's construction, which was no less important than the Pyramids. The tower went up higher and higher, perhaps as high as the Eafell tower in Paris, but not as high as the Empire State of New York city. It was built easy to climb, and its spiral and wide stairs were so that one could ascend the tower by riding a horse!

      The tower was completed, and Pharaoh in a glorious ceremony inaugurated it officially. He then went up the tower and looked at the starry sky, but nothing seemed to be different from what he could see from, the bottom earth. But he was not that sort of a man to leave demagogism. He shot an arrow out of his bow towards the sky, in order to kill the God of Moses! The arrow turned back to him stained with blood-Perhaps the blood of a bird and he pretended to have killed the heavenly Lord of Moses who was up in the skies, and announced that there was no more god other than himself.

      It was in such awfully low creed and cult that Pharaoh and his hosts were drowned. They could not believe that there would be a Resurrection Day, and a final Judgement. They could not understand that every deed, bad or good, whatever, will have its due consequences. And so they lost the chances of repentance, and being guided by the two great Divine Teachers. They incurred the wrath of God through their arrogance and evil deeds, and therefore God cast them in the sea and drowned them.

      The water which is the main source of life, for them, turned to the real cause of death:-

      ``Therefore, We seized him and his hosts, and cast them into the sea. Then behold how was the end of the oppressors.''




Verses 38-42Verses 43-49