The effect of belief on the Oneness of ownership and rulership


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O God You are the Ruler of the KingdomIntroduction

The creation of impiety, rebellion, vanity, miserliness and envy in man us always due to his thought that he is the owner of his servants and things. When he gets to rule a small area he feels he is the greatest and this is that polytheistic idea which creates and spreads various types of sins and evils in the society.

But when we look at this world in the mirror of Tawhid and through the above verses accept that it is solely the property of God without any partners then he thinks of himself not as owner but as a caretaker. Verse 7 of Surah Hadid says, “Spend in charity from what he has made you successors.” If a person fully accepts himself to be a trustee or safe-keeper than how is it possible that he will disobey the command of the real owner and be envious and miserly.

How is it possible that the wealth of this world become the cause of vanity and rebellion because all this belongs to God and He is the real owner of everything? Can a bank officer be proud about the money that passes through him the daily transactions? It is the same for the rulership and plans given to man

They are nothing but safe keepers in a small part of land and represent God’s grace. When we understand this then why the pride? How, can man after knowing all this be ready to create mischief and oppress others?

This view point of oneness and the study of the world gives a very different color to a person, the color of religion which makes him peace loving, a pure self, who befriends peace and a person full of vigor for sacrifice.

The Wrongful benefit from God’s ownership

There is no doubt and as has been mentioned above God is the owner of all that exists. This is proven not only by the various verses of the Qura’n but the intelligent arguments too prove it. He is the necessary being and all others that exist are fully dependent on Him and so this proves his ownership and dominance over all that exists.

This is not against the man made laws and their rulership for it has been permitted by God. Those who have misused this exceptional ownership have done nothing but taken the benefits wrongfully. It is very strange that this behavior is sometimes declared as Islamic and some people vainly declare communism and socialism to be of the same genre as Islam.

We would now like to openly assert that the Qura’n that declares God to be the owner and ruler of the universe also contains verses on, succession Khums, Zakat and trade and it accepts the existence of the owners of wealth and slaves.

The terms “your wealth” and “their wealth” have come 14, and 21 times respectfully in the Qura’n. the Muslims have been guided in many other verses regarding their wealth. If the ownership of God is against the ownership by mankind then how come there are 45 verses in the Qura’n about it?

 In Surah Nisaa verses 2 and 10 the book says, “And devour not their substance” and “Those who unjustly eat up the property of the orphans devour fire”

 Verse 262 of Baqarah says, “Those who spend in the cause of God …their reward is with Him”

Verse 279 of Baqarah says, “But if you repent, you shall have your capital sums”

In verse 6 of Surah Nisaa the Qura’n further says, ‘Test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage; then if you find them mentally mature, release their property to the, and do not consume it wastefully, or hastily lest they should attain full age; whoever’s guardian is rich, let him abstain ands whoever is poor, let him take within reason. When you transfer to them their property, have it witnessed in their presence and God suffices as Reckoner.”

The special ownership has many categories, like “the general ownership” and ownership of wealth, the governmental ownership and Qura’n has mentioned them too. None of these are in contrast to God’s ownership.

In short the Oneness of Ownership does not hinder the ownership by any particular person in society or the ownership by society itself but has laid down the laws for such ownership that are to be followed.


O God You are the Ruler of the KingdomIntroduction