The Explanation of Mafuradat


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IntroductionTo enter the abyss of whims.

“Az-Zanna” Raghib has described “Zan” as the condition that comes before the advent of something. If becomes strong it is called knowledge and if it weakens then it is termed as a mere thought. Ibn Manzur says in Lisan-ol-Arab that “Zan” can be used for both doubt and certitude but this is not a certitude that comes from seeing. It is a certitude that comes from meditation and reflection. Knowledge is but the name of this certitude that is discerned from observation. The book Nihaya Ibn Athir says, “Zan” is used for knowledge, doubt and accusation but in the verse here this word means conjectures. (The proof is there in this verse only and we will discuss it later.)

According to Sahah –al-Loghata the word “Khars” means to guess the dates on a date palm. Raghib has expressed the same view in Mafuradat. Then this began to be used for all kind of guesses. Since guesses are not always correct the word began to be used for lies and also for all baseless ideas.

Some other meanings have also been attached to it like Ramho’, Halqa or Hauz (The moat that is near the canal in which water enters and leaves).

It may also be that all these meanings are attached to the meaning of being baseless

Or a thought that is subject to doubts and changes; the words Ramh (lance), Halqa and Hauz have the same meaning. (1)

The word “Burhan” is the irrefutable proof and it may be used for all kinds of proofs and arguments. Raghib in Mafuradat says, “Burhan” a solid proof and some linguists feel that the origin is Barah (to become white) and then it began to be used to denote for those arguments that are crystal clear and free of all weaknesses. (2)

One Hadith says, “Charity is a very solid proof” and it may have been said because charity is made in the way of God and this itself is a valid proof for certitude because until a person has certitude about this belief he will not be ready to spend his wealth on it.

“Sultan” according to Maqayis-ol Loghata means control and power which is superior because a solid argument against a person leads to dominance and victory. This is why “sultan” is used irrefutable arguments and proofs.

The word “Saleet” was sometimes used for eloquence and sometimes was used for men who were good and voluble talkers. It has often been used for those with a vile tongue. Women with vitriolic tongues are also called “Saleet”. All these words have originated from the word “Saltah”



(1) Book Al Tahqiq fi Kalema-ol-Qura’n Origin of “Khars”
(2) Book Al Tahqiq fi Kalimati-ol-Qura’n the origination of verb Barhan, yubarheno, Wasaf, mubarheno, l and the innovation has lead to Sultan, Salt, Saltana, and yosaltino


IntroductionTo enter the abyss of whims.