I do not worship any other besides God


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Only He is GodMigrate from a place where you cannot worship God.

In the fifth verse the matter or Oneness has reached the holy Messenger and God commands him, “Say, “I am forbidden to worship those whom you call upon besides God” The general explanation of “Al Lazeena” is used for intelligent male; this has been used for the gods of the polytheists because they you to consider them to be intelligent souls or for it included Jesus the messiah, the Jinns and the living beings like the angels. Then to explain why the Messenger of God has been asked not to worship others the Qura’n adds, ““I do not follow your inclinations, for indeed I would have gone astray and I will not then be of those who are guided rightly.” This means that the foundation of idolatry is based on whims and fancies it is known that the result of following one’s desire is waywardness and one cannot achieve well being and the right path.

The sixth verse too addresses the Holy Messenger and he is commanded that he should be steadfast in worshipping the One God and keep away from the idols and their worship. God says, “And worship your Lord until what is certain comes to you.” The commentators have explained the word “Yaqeen’ to be death and have compared it to the saying of Jesus in Verse 31 of Surah Maryam that says, ‘And has enjoined me Salat and Zakat as long as I live.” In the verses 46 and 47 of Surah Muddaththir we find the mention of Hell, “And we used to belie the Day of Recompense; until there came to us that which is certain (death)” (2)

Death has been termed as certitude even in Islamic traditions. Imam Jafar Sadiq is recorded to have said, “God has not created anything certain in which there is no doubt, doubts are there even about death as if there is no connection with certainty” He said this because though people are so careless that they do not believe in the impending death.

Death has been defined as certainty because it is either like it has been defined in the verse that all humans believe in death and there is no difference sectarian or religious wise about it or because the veil of ignorance is lifted at the time of death and man is confronted with truth and so he is certain about many things that he had earlier doubted. Collectiveness is possible in both the explanations.

In the seventh verse the same issue is discussed with a few additions. It points to a group among the people of the book who went astray from the Oneness and began praying and serving others besides God. It is said, “And they were not commanded not but to worship God and worship none but Him alone.”

The point to note here is that it is only after including all tenets in the humble prayers that the command to establish prayers was given. “And perform Salat and give Zakat”; It tells us that the origin and base of worship is on sincerity and then it is important to note that in the end of the verse there is an addition that says, “That is the right religion.” (3)

In the eighth verse the same issue is discussed through Jesus for he said, “Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him (only); this is the right path.”

We know that there is only on straight line between two points while there can be many zigzagging lines.

There is only one line of Tawhid or Oneness anything besides it will be regarded polytheism and idolatry. The origin of the word “Mustaqim” is “Isteqamat” and this has been derived from “Qiyam” because a person is straight when he stands up so this word is considered devoid of every kind of refusal and for the straight and right path.

The point to be noted is that in Surah Fateha the term “ Serrato Mustaqim” has been used opposite of “Maghdube Alaihim” those that have been punished by God and “Daalleen” those who have gone astray. The first group contains those sinners who are adamant on their sinful ways and they regard their own and the waywardness of others to be correct and insist upon it. The others in the second group are those who are ignorant and naive and take to sinful ways by copying others.



1. Toha-fol-o’qool Page 271
2. According to Raghib in Mafuradat “Hanaf” means forgoing insult or shame and waywardness and coming to the straight path. This is why Islam is called the Haneef religion because it prevents the Muslims from leaving the straight path and going astray.
3. Raghib says, in Mafuradat that the origin of “Qayyamah” is “Qeyam” and it in turn means steadfastness and straight path. Here it is about a nation or Ummah that establishes justice as said in “Kunu Qawwameena Bilqist”


Only He is GodMigrate from a place where you cannot worship God.