The Proof of trans-substantial movement


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THE DESCRIPTION OF Movement and its introduction.The Realization of God through the Proof of Movement.

According to Sadrol Muta Alihin there are two kinds of existence.

 1. The existence in which we find stability and inertia; there is no movement in it, neither in its entity nor in its qualities.

2. The other is the existence which is moving or movement is one of its qualities and it is never stationary. Sometimes this change can be seen in its appearance and sometimes it is not seen when inherently it is always fresh and new. In other words we can say, this moving object keeps evolving each moment and is always new but since there is a conjunction and intimacy it is considered as one body.

Those who believe in the “trans-substantial movement” have mentioned certain arguments and proof to support their stance and though they need not be mentioned here we briefly cite three basic signs and proofs.

1. One established norm: For every thing that gains any attribute from another source it is compulsory to revert to the source e.g. the heat of a hot water is not its own but derived from something else and it should revert to the fire which contains heat by itself and it is also the source of heat.

Keeping this norm in view, we can discern that the restlessness found in the body emanates from its inherent unease and that is its core. E.g. If an apple remains constant in condition then how can its appearance change? So we understand that the manifest activity or change reflects the inner change or we can say that by looking at the change in appearance we can discern the change within it because how could it be that there is no inner change yet a change occurs on the surface?

2. It is necessary for every effect of change to have a cause for the change or nothing changing or moving can exist or change without a cause. If we sit in an orchard and observe the shadow to be moving or changing then we can deduce that the movement in the shadow is due to the movement of heat and the sun that is constantly traveling. We will be aware of the inner change from the movement of the body.

3. The time of any age is a valid proof of the trans-substantial movement because we see that the events of the time do not take place simultaneously, today’s events come into existence after yesterday and before the next day.

 This is the reality. This difference is the difference of time.

When we look at it briefly we find that time is the name of something, a reality, other than those that exist materially and it is like a container or bed for events. But if we suppose that nothing exists or we can say that time is the child of matter created from it. We can also say that time is the other name for the quantity of events.

If we assume that those objects that have movement are divided under the four headings then it will mean that if any object is not moving and there is no visible external movement in it, then it should be considered devoid of time or we cannot propose a time frame for it. But knowledge tells that we feel the time even if these four are not present and this is because the material is moving according to its inherent capacity and this is the reason that we can discern time and arrangement in it.

These were the arguments of those learned men who believe in the trans-substantial movement, mentioned briefly. The question still remains in some minds about how is it possible that we can assume that the moved is movement in itself and there is no other source of movement? How can we confirm that which is questionable? The strange thing is that he who proposes the movement of atoms is himself entangled in its complexities and is striving to solve the issue. What we now understand is that this issue is not easy for him too. (1)


The précis of this discussion is that the this entire argument about movement is a derivative from the rule that nothing can be moved but by an external force but some scholars take the view that on this issue we should cancel the ideas that man is used to only then can we imagine or realize the existence of that ever-present entity who is the source of all movement. All things moved and all movements are united in it.  This was the précis of the topic of movement.

1. Read the chapter on movement in the book Asfaar for further information or the lectures of Shaheed Mutahari about Asfaar dealing the issue of movement.

THE DESCRIPTION OF Movement and its introduction.The Realization of God through the Proof of Movement.