Oneness means to eradicate the intermediaries.


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God is the Manager of all AffairsThe History of mankind and the concocted intermediaries.

If we ponder over the verses of the Qura’n we will find that Qura’n insists that mankind should directly invoke God and not be lost in the intermediary pathways. They should talk to Him, ask from Him, prostrate before Him and ask Him for the solutions of all their problems. They should love Him and none else and never worship any other but Him.

The interpretations of Surah Fateha and other Surahs describe the “ Lord of the worlds and repetition of “ Subhana Rabbiol Azeem” and “Subhana Rabbi ol Aala” in Ruku and Sujud stress the same point. God is not only involved in our creation, but in our well being, education and perfection also.

The argument and proof about this is that the creator and the sustainer cannot be aloof from His creation. If we reflect correctly we learn that mankind receives a new birth a new creation at every moment of his life and this is bestowed by God only. In short, every creation is depended on Him and he is free from all manner of dependence. He is “Samad’ of the great Lord and ruler and every needy being comes to Him only.

It is from history that we learn that about the ways that mankind has gone astray by creating intermediaries for God and has begun frivolous and baseless deeds. Man has made such lowly things as idols as his gods and believes that they are responsible for his life and his good and bad. Has this excessive creation of gods given any thing but divisions, disputes, decadence and derogation? But when these intermediaries were removed and we accepted God’s entity to be the Only One then we found everything subservient and dependent on Him and thus we were able and are able to discern His divine light, His oneness and reach the stream of well being.

This is the reason the word “Rabb’ has been used more than 900 times in the Qura’n and no other attribute of God has been so proficiently used. This is also the reason that in Islam we should first study this Oneness in Lordship to understand His pure oneness.


God is the Manager of all AffairsThe History of mankind and the concocted intermediaries.