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The effect of belief on the Oneness of ownership and rulershipExplanation by Mafuradat

We are aware that the successful management of the society needs 3 different powers:

The first is the power to make and implement laws for the protection of the society and for safe guarding the rights of the individuals.

The second is the power of execution. It is needed to implement the promulgated laws and it is connected with the government, its ministries and other offices.

The third is the power for judgment. This is required to punish those who break the laws and to reform them.

When we observe the Oneness of Islam we find that all these powers come from God and no one has the right to interfere without His permission because He is the law maker, and he only can give the permission to rule and He is the being who has given a system to the judiciary.

So it is necessary that these three powers should be implemented in the defined parameter set by God. Though there are many intellectual proofs it has also been detailed in the Qura’n. With this brief introduction we turn to the Qura’n and study the following verses.

1. Surah Maidah Verse 44:

Those who do not judge by what God has revealed are indeed infidels.

2. Surah Maidah Verse 45:

And whoever does not judge according to what God has revealed is indeed among the unjust ones.

3. Surah Maidah Verse 47:

Whoever does not judge by what God has sent down is indeed transgressor.

4. Surah Maidah Verse 49:

That you should judge between them by what God has revealed and do not follow their vain desires; be cautious of them lest they beguile you from any part of what God has sent you.”


But no, by your Lord! They will not be true believers until they have set you up as their judge in all their disputes and they do not find any vexation ion their hearts against what you decide and submit themselves totally.

6. Surah Anam Verse 57 and Surah Yusuf Verses 40 and 67:

The judgment belongs to none but God.

7. Surah Qassas Verse 70:

He is God; there is no god but Him. His is all the praise, in the beginning and the end; His is the authority, and to Him you shall be returned.

8. Surah Qassas Verse 88:

And do not call any other god with God; there is no god but Him. All things are perishable save He. His is the authority, and to Him shall you return.

9. Surah Shura Verse 10:

In whatever you differ, its decision is to God; that is your God, my Lord; on Him do I rely, and unto Him do I return.

10 Surah Anam Verse 115 (1)

There is none that can change His words; He is the all-hearing, the all-knowing.


The effect of belief on the Oneness of ownership and rulershipExplanation by Mafuradat