The first step towards polytheism in creativity.


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Even the idolaters believe in GodThe Second Step to Polytheism.

 The Zoroastrians may be the first people who believed in the polytheism of creativity and even if it is not so, they are the more famous for believing in polytheism.

The Zoroastrians divided the beings into two categories the good and the bad then for each kind they assigned different gods like Yazdan and Ahraman or light and darkness. Their argument about it is that there should be compatibility between the creator and the created and the god that creates goodness has no relation with evil, so the creator of goodness is good and the creator of evil is evil.(1)

If the beings were so divided then we could accept their views to be correct but the truth is that nothing exists in the world excepting for goodness. The thing that is termed as evil is either unseen or is comparative e.g. we say that “poverty” is bad and evil when poverty is nothing but the paucity in the necessities of this life. This dependence is an unseen deed and the unseen is that which has been seen by none.

We may term the sting of the honey bee or the talon of a beast to be evil but we term this in comparison with ourselves. If we study the honey bee we will find that this sting is its defense against predators and a very important necessity. In the same way the claws of a beast is used for procurement of sustenance through hunting. Both the things are good for them. There are beings that can be set as examples and we call them “bad” or evil but their reality is something different. Sometimes are ignorance makes us believe that something are bad e.g. we may consider the microbes as evil because they create diseases but if we look at them from the perspective of the specialists that the microbes fortify our bodies against diseases and make them more powerful . Had it not been for the microbes the human life would not have been more than 80 years and he would have been very weak in life and thus we believe that it is our ignorance to consider the microbes to be bad or evil when they are actually good for the human body’s existence.

It should also be remembered that the Creator who has created the microbes has also created the means to keep them in control so that they do not go beyond control for He has created the pores in human body to control them.

We also know that there are various medicines being produces from the venom of beasts and this is the reason that snakes and other creatures protect their venom and so we can say that they sting or the venom of these creatures are not completely evil or only harmful. We fill discuss this topic further when we discuss the justice of God.


Even the idolaters believe in GodThe Second Step to Polytheism.