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Why is the Issue of Monotheism and Polytheism so important?The luminosity of the Light of Tawhid.

1. We will first deal with two issues of Tawhid.

2. He has no equal and He is unique and alone in all sense

We find many arguments in the Holy Qura’n about this and we will discuss but a few.


As we have taken the help of the proof of nature in recognizing God, in the same way it can be a witness and guide for the issue of the attributes of God, Judgment Day and the Messengership. It is as if we have made a covenant with the proof that we will never give it up and use it in our discussion and take benefit from it.

The proof of nature guides us on the issues of the Oneness of the entity and the Oneness of the attributes. We hear the presence of God in the core of our hearts and there is no other sound accepts it. We feel mortal fear in the times of hardships and problems, when all the doors of help are closed then we hear the voice of the Oneness (Tawhid), which beckons us to the origin and this is the power which can be beneficial in all hardships, this is the all controlling

entity who is above all causes.

We will now study a few verses in this regards:

1. Surah Ankabut Verse 65:

They sincerely invoke God when they embark on a ship, vowing to worship Him, and when He brings them safely to land, behold, they associate (others with Him).

 2. Surah Rom Verse 33:

When people are afflicted with harm, they call upon their Lord, turning to Him, then when He causes them to taste of His mercy, lo, some of them even associate partners with their Lord.

3. Surah Anam Verse 40-41:

Say” do you think if the chastisement of God comes to you, or if the Hour (of resurrection) approaches you, you will call for help any other than God? Then say it if you are truthful! 41. Nay! You will call upon Him and He will remove that for which you pray to Him if He pleases, and you would forget (the false gods) you set up (with Him).

4. Surah Nahl verse 53-54:

Whatever bounty you have is from God; then when distress touches you, you cry to Him for help 54. Yet when He removes the distress from you, lo, some of you associate others with their Lord.

Surah Anam Verses 63-64

Say, “Who delivers you from the dread of the darkness of the land and the sea, when you pray to Him openly humbling yourselves and secretly saying, “We shall certainly be the grateful ones if He delivers us from this.” 64. Say, “God delivers you from them, and from every distress, yet again you associate others with Him.”

Why is the Issue of Monotheism and Polytheism so important?The luminosity of the Light of Tawhid.