He aluminates the World.


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You are the Beginning and You are the End. The Proof of Truth in Islamic Traditions and Prayers.

The fifth verse in this discussion is very composite but meaningful: “God is the light of the heavens and the earth.” What follows after this is a very beautiful des c r i p tion which has a vast scope for debate among the commentators. Since our discussion is upon the first sentence we will limit the scope of our discussion to it only.

It is evident that for the better understanding of this complex truth the importance is to explain it through similes connected with the sense of perception so that it can be imbedded in our minds. We have used this style, though the similes used for God are inadequate because His entity is incomparable. To understand this light we have to reflect and to learn about its attributes, specialties, benefits and grace.

There is no doubt that light is the most beautiful and beneficial among the creations of this material world because all the grace and benefits of this world comes out of it. The light of the sun is the source of well being and life for flowers, grass and every other living being.

This light is the foundation or the base for all kinds of energy like the wind, the rains, the extraction of coal and oil etc. If the light of the sun dies then all activities in our world will cease.

Light is the source of observation of other creations. It displays all of them and travels at 300,000 kilometers in a second or it can circle this earth seven times within the twinkling of the eye.

The light of the sun is very effective and beneficial for life and removes all kinds of obstacles in human life like the harmful microbes. In short, we now understand the secret of God better when we study His entity through the specialties of this visible light.

It is the light of the existing God that displays the life of the creations and protects and nurtures them. The material and spiritual life is base on Him. All the adornment of the universe and its glory and its activities are the grace from His Holy existence. All guidance comes from Him and it is He who removes the hindrances and obstacles and it is He who removes all the wrinkles and diversities for those who seek closeness to Him.

In short we can say that everything in this universe is because of Him.

The question now is whether that the light which is instrumental in displaying all the creations is itself dependent on another light which displays it? Are the creations that are reflected in its light bright enough to be called the displayers of light? Can this light be seen through another? This is the true foundation of the proof of truths.

The commentators have given various explanations for this verse that are not compatible and can all be brought together. In other words each of them can be discerned from a special angle of this verse.

Some commentators have said that the words “God is the light of the heavens and the earth” mean that God bestows light upon the heavens and the earth.

The commentators have taken it to be the leader and guide of this universe and they have quoted Imam Reza’s tradition to enforce their interpretation.

Some of them have said that this means He is above all deficiencies found in the heavens and earth.

Some say that it means the arrangement of the heavens and the earth.

Some have said that it means the spreading of light through sun, moon and the stars and

The spreading of spiritual light through the apostles and the wise ones among the humans.

Some say it means bestowing a system in the heaven and the earth.

Some say that means the adornment of both the worlds.

Some say it means being the creator of the heavens and the earth.

As we have said earlier all these meaning are included in the words “He is the light of the heavens and the earth.” And this verse may be meaning some thing loftier. Since light in itself is the proof of His existence and not dependent on anything else because whatever exists is lighted because of His grace.

1. Tafsir Burhan Vol. 3 Page 133 Hadith 1 and 2, Tafsir Nurus Saqlain Vol 3 Page 603

You are the Beginning and You are the End. The Proof of Truth in Islamic Traditions and Prayers.