It is possible that some one may say that the natural inclination towards God is just a premise or claim but there is no such natural path to realize God. I claim that the existence of God is present in every heart but who can I make one who is not willing to, understand. But we do have such irrefutable proofs about the belief in Oneness of god being natural that we can silence those who deny God, if we present them in the right way. These proofs have been categorized under the five headings as follows: Historic Events


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3. The Living proofs of the Natural Inclination towards GodThe Ancient Ruins of History.

 We come to a conclusion from the events that have been the center of investigation of the historians that there was no religion in any nation and the people of all nations under various pretexts used to belief in one originator and lord and used to worship him. Even if we agree that there were some exception, people who did not believe in it we will have to concede that most people did believe in one originator of every knowledge and power. The disbelief of some people is but an exception and every idea has some exceptions.

The famous western historian Will Durant after discussing disbelief in his book The History of Civilizations says, “Despite all that has been said atheism is something rare and it is common knowledge according to the reality that religion was prevalent among the people.

For a philosophical person this issue is among the basic issues of disputes and he never accepts that all perceptions in religions are meaningless, instead of this feels that religions existed throughout the times till now. (1)

In another context he says. “Where is the fountainhead from where does all this piety emanate which cannot be extracted from the human heart?

The same historian in the book The Lessons of History writes remorsefully, “Religion has a hundred lives and it will come alive every time it is slaughtered’ (2)

 Had the belief in God been based on habit, blind following, reminders and preaching then it would not have gained such popularity. It is existence through the history of mankind is the best of it being a part of human nature.(3)

1. The Story of Civilization by Will Durant Vol1. Page 87.
2. As Above Page 89
3. Al Fitrah by Shaheed Mutahari Page 153.

3. The Living proofs of the Natural Inclination towards GodThe Ancient Ruins of History.