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The Other factors Behind Polytheism and Idolatry.Explanations from Mafuradat

The transfer of idolatry from one generation to another has been caused by Taqleed or blind following and it is due to this that it has gained a great scope Qura’n has also stated that Taqleed has played a great role in the spread of idolatry and at times has been presented as a proof and argument by the polytheists among the Arabs.

Being reared in an idol worshipping society, following the style of the forefathers and being affected by the tales of childhood all constitute together to make a frivolous and baseless act of creating idols out of stones and wood that are absolutely useless. These factors help in introducing them as something divine and worth reverence in the eyes of the common people.

We turn to the Qura’n after this brief introduction and study the verses mentioned below:

 1. Surah Zukhruf Verses 22-23:

Nay! They say,” Verily we found our forefathers on a creed and verily in their footsteps are we guided.”23We sent no Warner before you to a town except that the luxurious in it said, “Verily we found our fathers on a creed and verily in their footsteps are we following.”

 2. Surah Shuara Verse 71 to 74:

“They said, “We worship idols, and to them we are devoted 72. He said, “Do they hear you, when you call? 73. Do they benefit you or do they harm you? 74. They said, “Nay, but we found our fathers doing so.”

3. Surah Yunus Verse 78:

They said, “Have you come to us to turn us away from that (faith) we found our fathers following and that you two may have greatness in the land? We are not going to believe you two!”

4. Surah Baqarah Verse 170

When they are told, “Follow what God has sent down” they say, “Nay! We shall follow what we have found our fathers following.” (Would they do that?) Even though their fathers did not understand anything nor were they guided.

5. Surah Saba Verse 43:

And when Our clear verses are recited to them they say, “This is naught but a man who wishes to hinder you from that which your forefathers used to worship” (1)



1. There are various verse that compliment the issue in this verse which we have hinted earlier: A’raf 70, 173, Ibrahim 10,


The Other factors Behind Polytheism and Idolatry.Explanations from Mafuradat