Sixth: Boundary of Area of Tawaf


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Fifth: Tawaf to Be Performed Out of the House of Ka'baSeventh: Sequence

Article 430- It is famous among a group of Faqihs that Tawaf should be performed in the distance between Maqam of Ibrahim and the house of Ka’ba1 and this distance should be observed from each side. Therefore, from the side of Hijr Ismael Tawaf zone is less than three and a half meter because the size of Hijr Ismael (that is totally ten meters) subtracts from the whole distance, but it is the right that Tawaf to be permitted to perform in all parts of Masjid al-Haraam, although it is Mustahab to observe the precaution when crowd is congested. It means that if performing Tawaf in foresaid distance is not hard then performer doesn’t exit that.


Article 431- Connection of rows of Tawaf-performers is not the condition.


Article 432- Performing Tawaf in upper levels when crowd is very congested and for ill persons who are not permitted to perform Tawaf from the ground doesn’t have problem, and taking proxy is not necessary.


Question 433- A woman is not capable of performing Tawaf without help of the others. She should be circumambulated on a carrier out of Tawaf zone or a non-Mahram person carries her on his back. What is her duty?

Answer: Considering that according to our fatwa Tawaf zone doesn’t have definite boundary then she can be circumambulated on a carrier from behind Maqam of Ibrahim.


Question 434- A person who was not aware of boundaries of Tawaf zone has performed Tawaf and has doubted after that whether he had been in Tawaf zone or not. Is his Tawaf correct?

Answer: As it has been mention above his Tawaf is correct anyway because Tawaf has no definite boundary.


Question 435- If Muhrim is certain that will contact a non-Mahram man or woman during Tawaf in defined zone then is it still necessary to perform Tawaf in defined zone?

Answer: We said that Tawaf has no definite boundary. Moreover contacting over clothes without any especial intention doesn’t have problem.


Question 436- Sometime, person has to go further from Tawaf zone, distance between Maqam of Ibrahim and Ka’ba, whether it is because of cleaning services or some repairs around Ka’ba, also persons who perform Tawaf with wheelchair or those who are circumambulated with carrier and like them. Are these Tawafs correct?

Answer: As we have said before, Tawaf has no definite boundary according to our opinion and it is permitted to go further than the distance between Maqam of Ibrahim and Ka’ba voluntarily.



1- This distance is less than thirteen meters.


Fifth: Tawaf to Be Performed Out of the House of Ka'baSeventh: Sequence