Attending Congregation Prayer of Ahl -e- Sonnat:


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Rulings of Masdood and MahsoorPlace of Prostration:

Article 705- When congregation prayer attends at “Masjid al-Haraam” or “Masjid al-Nabi” believers should not exit those holy places and shouldn’t renounce congregation prayer. But they should perform prayer with other Muslims.


Article 706- Big and caravan-arranged congregation prayers in motels and hotels of Mecca and medina by Shiites has problem if they can attend congregation prayers of Haramein, but congregation prayer by some persons doesn’t have problem.


Article 707- A person who has performed his/her prayer in circular condition in the way that has been stood in front of Imam or in his right or left side, his/her prayer is correct and there is no need to repeat that, on the condition that Imam stands closer to Ka’ba according to the circle.


Article 708- Observing the connection of rows in congregation prayer with Ahl -e- Sonnat is necessary, therefore whenever a group of them stands with distance, you go for the group that is connected to Imam.


Article 709- Persons who go to mosques of Mecca and medina for attending their congregation prayers of sunset or noon can perform their Isha’ or afternoon prayers individually after congregation prayer.


Article 710- Prayers that attends accompanying other Muslims by Imam of Ahl -e- Sonnat are correct and doesn’t need to be performed again even when there is enough time available.


Article 711- Whenever observing connection of rows needs to prostrate on carpet and insisting on prostration on floor of the mosque causes disconnection of rows then connection should be observed, although person prostrates on carpet.


Article 712- Whenever a person attends late to the congregation prayer, in the way that Muslims has started their prayers and there is no valid connection of rows according to Shi’aa and it is not possible to pass the rows and going to the place that connection is established or agents doesn’t permit this act, then performs Iqtida (following Imam in congregation prayer) in that place which is possible, and this prayer is enough and there is no need to perform again.


Article 713- Congregation prayers that attend on the roof of Masjid al-Haraam or Masjid al-Nabi because of congestion of crowd are not enough and should be performed again.


Article 714- Friday prayer with Ahl -e- Sonnat suffices for noon prayer and performing that again is not necessary, and these are the orders that pure Imam (a.s.) has given us for keeping the unity of Muslims.


Article 715- Whenever believers reach to mosque when congregation prayer has finished but rows are not disordered yet then Azan and Iqama don’t be recited and it doesn’t have difference with Shiites congregation prayer in this aspect.


Article 716- Performing Ghazaa prayer with congregation prayer of Ahl -e- Sonnat doesn’t have problem.


Article 717- According to the matter that if Ahl -e- Sonnat drop behind Imam one Rak’at they don’t perform Tajafi (don’t sit up partially), then performing this act is not necessary for Shiites.


Rulings of Masdood and MahsoorPlace of Prostration: