Other Questions of Tawaf


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Deputization in Tawaf3- Prayer of Tawaf

Article 505- Talking and laughing during Tawaf and even eating a thing doesn’t invalidate Tawaf, but it is better not to say other than invocation of Allah and pray (Mustahab or obligatory Tawaf) and to perform this great worship with presence of the hearth and to abstain from any act that reduces the presence of the heart.


Question 506- What is the duty of a person whom his Tawaf, prayer of Tawaf or Sa’y has been invalidated in Umrah because of a reason and he has performed Taqsir without paying attention to this matter and has exited the state of Ihram and then has recognized invalidation of foresaid act?

Answer: He should compensate the invalidated act but it seems that he has exited the state of Ihram and has no atonement.


Question 507- A person has performed his Tawaf of Umrah incorrect, also has performed several other Tawafs as a proxy in that way after that. What is his/her duty about foresaid Tawaf?

Answer: If it has been performed in this way because of forgetfulness or involuntarily then his Umrah is correct, but if it has been performed deliberately or because of ignorance then his Umrah has problem. Other deputized Tawafs also have the same ruling.


Question 508- Whenever Muhrim takes clothing of Ihram off and performs the acts of Umrah like Tawaf and Sa’y with sewed clothes because of ignorance or knowingly then what is the ruling of his/her acts?

Answer: Foresaid Tawaf and Sa’y are correct and foresaid Umrah is rewarded, but it has atonement if it has been performed deliberately.


Question 509- During Tawaf, some of personalties of Tawaf-performers like watch, ring, clothing of Ihram, comb and like them fall on the ground because of congestion and pressure of crowd and go under the steps of other Tawaf-performers which taking them is dangerous. Some of Tawaf-performers walk on them. Doesn’t this act harm their Tawaf?

Answer: It doesn’t have problem, but they shouldn’t put their feet no then deliberately.


Question 510- If a person puts his/her feet on others’ clothing of Ihram and knows that this act disturbs those persons then what is the ruling of this Tawaf.

Answer: It doesn’t harm Tawaf but Muhrims should not perform this act deliberately.


Question 511- Sonni Hajjis raise theirs hand when they reach al-Hajar al-Aswad and say Labbayks loudly and then continue their Tawaf. Is this act also advised according to Shiite scholars?

Answer: This act has not been advised.


Question 512- Sometimes, during Tawaf our bodies contact with bodies of non-Mahram persons, does it harm Tawaf?

Answer: Tawaf doesn’t invalidate and has no atonement, even if it is performed deliberately, absit omen! but we should always be aware of traps of Satan.


Question 513- According to the importance of acts of Hajj, especially Tawafs and their prayers, some of Hajjis perform some of the acts of Hajj several times as a precaution although seemingly their acts have no defect. What is the ruling of this matter?

Answer: We should not let ourselves to be affected by monomania; but performing an act as a precaution without scrupulosity doesn’t have problem.




Deputization in Tawaf3- Prayer of Tawaf